
Sirsu is the greater god of death. His doctrine surrounds death as an unavoidable fate, and the acceptance of it crucial to life. Sursu’s physical form has five pairs of arms, as well as two horns protruding from his head, where his eyes would be. He wears long black robes, with a hood covering his lack of eyes. Angels of Sirsu look identical to Sirsu himself, making it near impossible to tell if you are talking to Sirsu or one of his angels if either ever appeared to you.

Divine Domains

Sirsu's divine domains are Death and Grave.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Sirsu is a skull floating above an open hand

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Sirsu believe in the inevitability of death, with the understanding that the acceptance of this fact is the only way to live a fulfilling life. Creatures such as undead and immortal creatures are abominations to Sirsu's believers, as they are diametrically opposed to his beliefs. There are a number of complicated rituals surrounding death within the Church of the Unavoidable Truth, and members will often keep skulls or skeletons with them at all times to remind them of their faith and beliefs; sometimes, these bones belong to a deceased family member of the believer.



Rival (Trivial)

Towards Sirsu




Rival (Trivial)

Towards Xalena



”I don’t fear my death. It’s inevitable, as is yours. I know I will be at peace when I go. Will you?”
— Priest of Sirsu
Divine Classification
Greater Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lifedrinker; The Unavoidable Truth; Lord of the Dead
Year of Birth
2149 E.G. 4134 Years old

Character Portrait image: Punishment of Sins - Envy by Gaël Giudicelli


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