Coxotes Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Coxotes (coh-CHOH-tay)

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Coxotes resemble canine humanoids with builds similar to elves; approximately elf or human-sized but appearing lithe and scraggly despite their strength. They are limited bipeds, typically knuckle-walking while at ease but capable of rising to their digitigrade back legs when needing to manipulate objects with their hands and opposable thumbs. Their hands and toes possess thick, sharp claws used for fighting and maintaining balance. Their heads resemble local wild dogs with upright, pointed ears on top of their heads and long, pointed snouts filled with sharp teeth. Their bodies are covered in thick fur with tawny and gray coloring and their long tails are very fluffy.

Ecology and Habitats

Coxotes can be found through most regions claimed by The Republic of Campmagni and are considered an occasional threat in settlements with little protection. They are territorial creatures, but often shift their territory when they need to move to find more prey or are met with stronger opponents. Different behaviors can be observed in populations depending on where they are found: groups in plains or scrublands may favor brute force hunting tactics while those in wooded areas may prefer ambush tactics. They do not build nests or shelters but may sleep in found safe areas such as caves or abandoned buildings.


They are hunters of opportunity, typically attacking injured wildlife or easy livestock. Herders and ranchers find them a terrible nuisance at best or a real threat at worst as they attack their stock and are generally unafraid of humanoids unless they are armed better than they are. Farmers and ranchers will collaborate or hire mercenaries when bands of coxotes are in the area to protect themselves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Coxotes live in small, matriarchal family units. A male will mate with a female and stay with that partner just until the offspring is old enough to walk steadily on its own before moving on to find another mate. The child will then stay with its mother as it grows: upon reaching maturity males will typically go off on their own to find a mate while females will stay in the general territory of their mother until they find their own mate and start their own families.

Average Intelligence

Coxotes are semi-intelligent, about on par with great apes. They are capable of working as a team to hunt, but do not possess language or the ability to use complex tools. They scavenge from humans and can rarely be found using discarded weapons and armor but do not repair nor create their own.