Goblin Village Settlement in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Goblin Village

The goblin village is located about half a day's travel north of Denpalus, a bit off the main road in a clearing in the woods. It in inhabited by a handful of families in ramshackle huts with very few facilities. The residents are primarily hunter-gatherers. The head of the village is Garluck, who leads his people the best he can.   The village was abandoned at the start of The Calamity but was not destroyed as the residents feared. It wasn't until six months later when the villagers were convinced the world had not ended that they returned to their homes. Less than a day passed when a pack of roving coxotes attacked, damaging several of the buildings but not irreparably when the heroes intervened. Instead of abandoning the village for safety Garluck agreed to the heroes' proposal of an agreement between the village and Denpalus for protection and trade.
Characters in Location

Cover image: by DALL-E


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