Garluck Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Garluck is the head of the goblin village north of Denpalus. At the start of The Calamity he led his village to the sewers of Denpalus for safety and believed the world above had ended. When the heroes encountered them six months later they convinced him that the world was still intact and they could return to their home. In gratitude he gave Cathan his sword, which imbued a sense of bravery, to defeat the monsters in the sewers while his villagers packed their things. When the heroes returned from killing the giant spider terrorizing the goblins they escorted the goblins through the city to the road leading to their home.   The next day the newly-repopulated village was attacked by a pack of coxotes. Garluck managed to get all but one of the villagers indoors to safety while the heroes saved the day yet again. While Garluck was resigned to the continued misfortune of his village the heroes suggested a partnership between the goblins and Denpalus for trade and protection. Garluck accepted this arrangement.   However before the heroes continued to their next location they checked in on the goblin village but the trader they designated as the trader Gaius had not been to the village at all.
Current Status
In the village
Current Location
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by DALL-E
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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