Governor Glaucia Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Governor Glaucia

The governor of Pompelo. As a member of the aristocracy she served as an ambassador to The Kingdom of Slibro in her youth and brought many of her favorite aspects of the dwarven culture with her to Pompelo in her retirement, including a love of education. She established the library in the Temple of Exchange to encourage the exchange of knowledge and is indirectly responsible for many of the town's youth getting a formal education and seeking their fortunes in larger cities.   When informed that there were freed but ensorcelled elves in her town by Cathan she immediately took him to the Temple of Exchange to use the Contact Pool to talk to the nearby universities for help. She enthusiastically believes in helping people.
Current Location
Older adult
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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