Pompelo Settlement in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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A village within The Republic of Campmagni, and a common stop for traders. The city was renamed a few decades ago when governor Glaucia moved in after retiring as an ambassador to The Kingdom of Slibro, bringing several aspects of Slibrin culture– and several immigrants– with her.   A few weeks ago a mysterious blinding light was seen and a loud hissing scream was heard in the residential area, leveling a few houses and killing the wife and daughter of Gaius, a resident of the village. His smuggling cellar and tunnel had been taken over by members of The Congress for elf trafficking.


Most of Pompelo's inhabitants are farmers, though since the Temple of Exchange and the attached library were established a few decades ago many youngsters have gained a formal education and gone on to universities and trades in nearby cities. Humans and halflings make up the majority of citizens, though several dwarf families have immigrated alongside the governor and set up permanent residence.

Points of interest

  1. Governor's House and Office
  2. The Obsidian Cup Tavern
  3. Temple of Justice
  4. Temple of Exchange and Library
  5. Burned residential district
A small town in The Republic of Campmagni.
Owning Organization


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