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Circle of Passion

The Circle of Passion is a religious pantheon. The religion's practices are very open and individualistic, with the primary principles being founded in holding a joy for life and freedom of expression. This takes the form of singing, dancing, playing games, and sometimes even following ones erotic desires.

Divine Origins

Long ago, in a time when mortals roamed the world, the land was gripped by darkness and despair. Life seemed mundane, devoid of joy, passion, and luck. The people yearned for something more, something that would fill their lives with purpose and bring a spark of excitement to their days.   Amidst this bleak backdrop, there emerged a charismatic and enigmatic figure known as Adat. Adat possessed a captivating aura that drew people in, awakening their dormant desires and igniting a newfound zest for life. Adat traveled from village to village, teaching the people how to unlock the dormant potential within themselves.   Through passionate storytelling and captivating performances, Adat inspired the masses to embrace their passions, celebrate life, and take bold risks. Adat taught that every individual had a divine spark within them, a source of boundless joy and creativity waiting to be kindled.   As word of Adat's teachings spread, a group of fervent followers gathered, forming a close-knit community known as the Circle of Passion. They shared Adat's vision and worked together to cultivate an atmosphere of revelry, passion, lust, and luck in their lives.   The Circle of Passion organized grand festivals where people from all walks of life would gather to indulge in music, dance, and artistry. These events became catalysts for self-discovery, where individuals tapped into their deepest desires and found the courage to pursue them.   Over time, the Circle of Passion grew in size and influence, establishing sanctuaries where people could immerse themselves in the divine revelry and experience the transformative power of passion. The teachings of Adat were passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that the spirit of celebration and the pursuit of passionate experiences remained alive.   While Adat's true nature remains a mystery, the Circle of Passion regards them as a guiding force, an embodiment of the principles they hold dear. Today, the Circle of Passion continues to inspire individuals to embrace the joy of life, honor their passions, celebrate their lust for life, embrace fortuitous opportunities, and create collective revelries that unite communities and bring people together in a shared celebration of existence.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Circle of Passion:
  1. Embrace the Joy of Life. Celebrate the exuberance and vitality that existence offers. Embrace revelry, laughter, and merriment as a means to experience the fullness of life. Seek out joyous moments and create them for others, for in revelry, the divine is honored.
  2. Pursue the Flame of Passion. Passion fuels the fires of creativity and inspiration. Whether it is love, art, or any other pursuit that stirs the soul, the tenet encourages the followers to immerse themselves fully and passionately. Allow passion to guide your actions and to connect you with the divine flame within.
  3. Honor the Lust for Life. The gods teach that physical desires are natural and should be embraced without shame. Embrace the pleasures of the world and acknowledge the power they hold. Followers are encouraged to explore and celebrate their own sexuality and sensuality while respecting the boundaries and desires of others.
  4. Embrace the Dance of Fortuity. Luck weaves its intricate tapestry throughout our lives. Embrace the unpredictable nature of luck and allow it to guide you on your path. Trust in the twists and turns of fate, and find the opportunities that arise from unexpected circumstances. By embracing luck, you honor the gods and their capricious nature.
  5. Sing the Melody of Creation. The gods of song and poetry breathe life into the world through their melodies and verses. Tap into your creative spirit and express yourself through art, music, or any form of creation that brings you fulfillment. Celebrate the beauty and power of creativity, for it is a direct connection to the divine.


The Code of Ethical Conduct for the Circle of Passion:
  • Strive to live an authentic life, honoring your true desires, passions, and creative spirit. Embrace your individuality and celebrate the unique gifts and talents that the gods have bestowed upon you. By being true to yourself, you contribute to the richness and diversity of the world.
  • Make it your mission to cultivate joy within yourself and others. Seek out moments of happiness and revelry, and share them generously. Spread laughter, mirth, and positivity wherever you go, inspiring others to embrace the beauty of life and find their own reasons to celebrate.
  • In matters of love, passion, and desire, always prioritize consent, respect, and open communication. Honor the autonomy and boundaries of others, and seek enthusiastic consent in all interactions. Treat all beings with kindness, compassion, and empathy, embracing the principle of mutual respect.
  • Encourage and support the creative endeavors of others, as well as your own. Embrace the power of imagination, and express yourself freely through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression. Foster an environment that celebrates innovation, originality, and the beauty of diverse creative perspectives.
  • Develop a sense of gratitude for the fortunes and blessings that come your way. Acknowledge the role of luck and fortune in shaping your life's path, and remain open to the unexpected opportunities and synchronicities that arise. Embrace the teachings of fortune, recognizing that both good and bad luck can offer valuable lessons and growth.
  • Cherish the rich tapestry of humanity and honor the diversity of experiences, identities, and cultures. Embrace inclusivity, welcoming individuals of all backgrounds, orientations, and beliefs into the embrace of revelry and celebration. Stand against discrimination, prejudice, and oppression, promoting equality and understanding.
  • Recognize the importance of self-care and maintaining a healthy balance in all aspects of life. Nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, understanding that by caring for yourself, you become better equipped to spread joy and positively impact the world. Strive for harmony within yourself and your relationships.
  • Hold yourself accountable for your words and actions. Act with honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct in all your dealings. Take responsibility for the consequences of your choices and strive to make choices that align with the values of the religion. Aim to be a beacon of trustworthiness and reliability.
  By following this code of ethics, the faithful of this religion create a community rooted in authenticity, joy, respect, creativity, gratitude, inclusivity, balance, and responsibility. They embrace the transformative power of celebration, love, and the pursuit of passions, enriching their own lives and the lives of those around them.


In the religion centered around revelry, passion, lust, song, poetry, creativity, and luck, worship is an immersive and experiential practice that embraces the joyous celebration of life. The everyday or regular practices, rituals, and traditions of the faithful are as follows:
  • Good Luck Charms. 
  • Communal Gatherings. Regular communal gatherings play a central role in this religion. These gatherings, known as Revelry Assemblies, are joyous celebrations where the faithful come together to share in the experience of revelry, music, dance, and creative expression. The assembly may involve live performances, poetry readings, storytelling, and communal rituals that invoke the presence of the gods. These gatherings foster a sense of community and connection, allowing individuals to inspire and uplift one another.
  • Personal Creative Practices. The faithful are encouraged to engage in personal creative practices as a means of connecting with the divine. This may involve writing poetry, composing music, painting, sculpting, dancing, or any other form of creative expression. These personal acts of creation are considered sacred offerings to the gods and are seen as pathways to spiritual connection and inspiration.
  • Seasonal Festivals. The religion observes a series of seasonal festivals that mark significant points in the yearly cycle. These festivals celebrate the changing seasons amongst others. Each festival is characterized by exuberant rituals, lively processions, and performances that evoke the spirit of the gods being honored. These festivals serve as a time for communal merriment, creative expression, and collective gratitude.
  • Devotional Offerings. The faithful may engage in devotional offerings to the gods as a way to express reverence and seek favor. Offerings may include flowers, candles, fruits, wine, or other items symbolizing joy, passion, and creativity. These offerings are presented with prayers, songs, or poetic invocations, expressing devotion and gratitude to the gods.
  • Divination and Luck-Seeking. The seeking of luck and divination practices are integral to the faith. The faithful consider casual gambling and games of chance as a form of prayer. Divinatory practices such as casting lots, reading omens, or interpreting dreams may be employed to seek glimpses into the threads of fate and to make informed choices.
  • Sacred Rites of Union. The religion recognizes the sacredness of love, passion, and commitment. The faithful may participate in sacred rites of union officiated by the Euphoric Rhapsodists. These rituals sanctify and celebrate partnerships, marriages, and unions, invoking the blessings of the gods of love, passion, and joy.
It's important to note that individual practices may vary among the faithful, and the specific rituals and traditions may differ based on cultural variations, regional customs, and personal preferences. Nonetheless, the underlying theme of worship in this religion revolves around the active celebration of life, the pursuit of creative expression, and the cultivation of joyous connections with the divine.


The Euphoric Rhapsodists are a dedicated and vibrant priesthood within the religion of revelry, passion, lust, song, poetry, creativity, and luck. They are the stewards of ecstasy, weaving together the realms of divine inspiration and mortal expression. The Euphoric Rhapsodists, with their melodic voices and unwavering devotion, serve as beacons of ecstatic inspiration. Through their rituals, performances, and guidance, they invite others to join in the symphony of life, celebrating the divine and discovering the truest expressions of their own souls.

Melodic Vessels of Divine Revelry

The Euphoric Rhapsodists channel the divine energy of revelry, becoming living conduits of ecstatic joy. Through their rituals and performances, they awaken the spirits of celebration within themselves and others, inviting the gods to join the mortal realm and dance alongside them.

Guardians of the Harmonious Tapestry

These priests are entrusted with safeguarding the sacred traditions, songs, and stories of the pantheon. They preserve ancient chants, mythical ballads, and mystical verses, ensuring that the lore of the gods is upheld and passed down through generations. The Euphoric Rhapsodists embrace the power of language, weaving it into enchanting tapestries of poetic expression.

Masters of Inspirational Cadence

The Euphoric Rhapsodists possess a deep understanding of the rhythms and melodies that harmonize the mortal and divine realms. They guide the faithful in uncovering their creative potential, teaching techniques of vocalization, musical instrumentation, and lyrical composition. Through their tutelage, the priests help others unlock the wellspring of inspiration that flows within each soul.

Keepers of Fortuitous Divination

As masters of luck and fortune, the Euphoric Rhapsodists delve into the mysteries of divination. They interpret signs, omens, and the subtle whispers of fate, providing counsel to those seeking guidance. Their divinatory rituals open the doorways to hidden paths, revealing the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead.

Celebrants of Sacred Union

The Euphoric Rhapsodists officiate over rites of union, consecrating the bonds of love and passion. Their ceremonies infuse the spirit of the gods into celebrations of marriage, commitment, and partnership. Through their rituals, they invoke the blessings of the pantheon, invoking the power of love and connection.

Ambassadors of Unbridled Joy

The Euphoric Rhapsodists embody the essence of unbridled joy and acceptance. They radiate warmth, inclusivity, and an unyielding zest for life. As ambassadors of their faith, they strive to spread the message of love, creativity, and revelry, inviting all beings to embrace the transformative power of celebration.


Passionists vary their practices on a very individual basis. What they consider to be collective worship can be indistinguishable from gambling, dancing, singing, or other practices of a more raucous nature. Some practitioners of the Circle of Passion take a very carefree approach to life and as such have a reputation as drunks and gamblers led only by their personal desire.   The Spior Adat are rumoured to be an offshoot of the early practitioners of this religion. Some scholars believe that the initial followers of Adat decided to continue their lives as a nomadic travelling troupe of performers.
Edict: see the beauty in all things, find what life has to offer, free slaves and aid the oppressed  
Anathema: engage in bigoted behavior, waste alcohol, be mean or standoffish when drunk  
Follower Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Religious, Organised Religion