The Final Silence

As folks travel through worlds to seek Power, as they venture through Thresholds, they oft find fear and loneliness within their hearts. To resolve their feelings, many choose to find something to believe in, to cling to. Ironic that their solution to self-inflicted chains is to chain themselves down even more.   Worse are the fools that do not cling to hope, but to despair. That drive out fear with a greater fear, a fear they obsess over. They believe all will end, that each Echo will die out one day, that in the end there will be nothing but a final silence.   Perhaps they are right. Perhaps they are wrong. It matters not. The end of times, if ever it were to come, is both outside our sight and outside our control. To ruminate over it, spitting out that fear then gorge on it once more, is a useless expense of time and Power.  
  But let us start at the beginning, to explain where they come from, as to make sure not to follow their footsteps but useful ones instead. In the search of Power, many choose to follow those that went before us. They go after Echoes, in an attempt to find where their originals found Power before. Through this, they find worlds and Thresholds that serve them well.   Yet all we know about the most powerful, is that they solely left behind Echoes. We do not know where they went, what their final fate was. All we know is that they have disappeared. Furthermore, as time goes on, we find out places have now slipped beyond our reach, no longer a doorway or Threshold leading the way there. We also find new ones, or refind places lost, but to those that worship despair, that knowledge holds no relevance.   As such, they believe that all of this will end. That the Echoes and the Power will go away. That one day, no more sound will come through these Thresholds, no Quarter will remain standing. Some even believe that no world will be left behind either, that those too will fade away, together with their access. And in the end, as all will have fallen, there will be a final silence.   Perhaps they are right. Perhaps they are wrong. But remember. It matters not. There is but one thing worthy of your faith, and that is your own being.


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