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Phaedra Dawn

Phaedra Dawn (a.k.a. Raven)

  The dawn is here. It's not always seen. Even back home we have days with oppressive gloom. But that oppression will be pushed back here yet. As long as I draw breath, I'll continue to strike at it.  
- Phaedra Dawn, sharing her convictions and the promise of hope with Vrinn Love


Born as the testament of the bond between lovers thought to be doomed, Phaedra Dawn grew up with a heaviness to her heart that she could never understand. She had to share her papa with his worry, her dad with his duty, and both of them with her siblings. While she was never alone, she always felt apart from her family in some way. There was a quiet sorrow that always seemed to linger like a fog. It was only when she was a teenager that things began to shift. By the time the sun broke through those clouds, however, Phaedra had already grown independent and come to terms with the impermanence of her relationship with her parents. While she committed herself to her studies and helped with her younger siblings, Phaedra dreamed.   Of something more. Of something hers. Of acceptance. Of love.   Asra Dawn whispered in her ear of all these things. She could have these things, if she was strong enough. Strong enough to take them. From birth, that poison was added to her soul drop by drop, for Phaedra did not know that she had been meant to be the reincarnation of the mad goddess. That lust for power and control shaped Phaedra. Asra isolated her from her family and her siblings, causing her envy and jealousy, resentment of those she should hold most dear. Everyone had something she did not. And she had cursed blood. She was born for greatness, and could only dream of ascending. Her Corruption by any other name would always hold her back.   Love, as always, continued to seem just beyond her grasp. Her first great love died tragically in a way that shook her to her core — Asra Dawn had spoke to her of devotion, and demanded it of her. With a terrible sorrow, she slit Rhysand's throat and watched him as he lay dying. And when it was done, she bound his soul, cursing him so that he would never return to life a second time. She covered her deeds with the mark of the Reaper. And then, she was inconsolable, consumed by her grief and horror at what she had done. But she had succeeded. She had proven her devotion to her god by stamping out Corruption even when it caused her pain.   She knew she had to leave. If she could be convinced to murder the man who loved her, the only person she truly believed loved her unconditionally, what could she be persuaded to do to her own family? Would she act as her adopted brother Vrinn and attempt to murder her papa? Repeatedly? She knew she would succeed. Loeraica and Lyall would never expect her to do something so awful. She would murder the Paragon of Corruption and wipe its scourge — his scourge — from the face of Lazwish.   But what would become of her then?   Horrified by what she was capable of, she packed her things and fled Lux Brumalis under the guise of applying her knowledge to the field, rather than merely academically. She did not seek approval, only writing once safely away to assure her fathers that she was not in any danger. None that she wasn't placing herself into willingly, at any rate. While she quickly discovered that life was considerably less comfortable beyond the protective bounds of her mountain home, Phaedra was determined to prove herself a worthy adventurer, as her fathers before her. If they could save the world, surely she could endure nights in noisy and uncomfortable inn rooms and thin bedrolls under the stars.   Eventually, she came to join the rebellion in Crypha. There, she found others who wished to realize the same dream as she — to purge the Corruption from the country — and she eventually earned a name for herself. Working with a man known as Crow, she earned her own name as his partner — Raven. She became a voice to command attention, a face to put to a movement, and a leader to rally around. She also became a terror to the people of Crypha, vampire and otherwise. The second title she earned for herself was The Skinner. Under the guise of a Reaper cultist, she would murder those found unworthy of the Dawn's light and ensure they would never return. She had the trust of her fellow rebels. She had the exaltation of her own cabal. And yet, she continued to dream of more.   More than breaking a siege. More than liberation. More than peace.   Peace seems to be anathema in Crypha, but there were moments. Even in the darkest of hours, Phaedra had grown her family. Following the fall of Winterbloom, she was forced to retrieve from her hiding place, the child she called Aurora Dawn. As she tried to bring a new dawn to the sunless land, the stakes only increased.   The Iron Hills, where the Morninglight Company made camp, was attacked by Cryphan elite forces. There, she encountered the Countess Drusilla for the first time. There, the Countess took the life of the Company's comrade Omen. The aggression could not stand, and Phaedra vowed to destroy those who threatened the peace of the city. While on a patrol, her team was ambushed and a skirmish ensued. In the aftermath of it, she found herself laid out and bleeding in the snow, her ears ringing from the sound of a blast, it was not her partner who found her to heal her. Crow was nowhere to be found. Following tracks and blood through the woods, she finally came upon a cave, and Crow dead. His throat ripped out.   And she found the Countess.   She had turned Crow, and knowing the nature of Phaedra's secret worship, graciously gave the Dawn's Scion the opportunity to stake her cleric before he would wake. And hunger.   Rather than give in, Phaedra Dawn fought back. While she could perhaps have bested her, the Countess was able to enact a devastating attack that nearly killed her. She gave her an option: Beg for her life, or be turned and made a thrall of the Countess for the rest of her unlife. Phaedra refused to beg, and was instead chained up and left in the cave to become Crow's first kill. If she hadn't been found by Emagine, she would have been.   Over the months, Phaedra and Crow did their best to reckon with his new state and what it meant to them and their faith. He wished to die, but she could not let him go. He remained, for her sake, and he remains still, even after she had the truth of her nature revealed to her — that their god was dead, and she was meant to take Her place. She, who knew she was unworthy. She fought for control of herself and her soul, and eventually won out against the second soul residing inside of her, maintaining her autonomy and her identity. From there, she vowed to do better than what she had been. She vowed to right as much wrong as she could.   Vengeance is the path she's chosen to achieve that.  


The eldest child of Loer and Lyall Dawn, Phaedra is a witch of the umbral tradition like her Paragon father. After her lover, a man called Rhysand, was murdered cultists of the Reaper when she was barely a young woman, Phaedra felt her world shatter. The pain left her broken, and the sorrow twisted the view of the life lived in Lux Brumalis.   Unable to face each day with reminders of what she once had — and the feeling of her cursed blood somehow being responsible — she left to join the resistance in Crypha. A self-styled disciple of the Sun Titan, she means not only to bring light back to the land and burn the corruption out of the country, but also to create a feeling of hope at the mention of her name of Dawn, rather than evoke the notion of a harbinger of malaise. If not for the good of those left so long in the dark, then for herself.


Phaedra Dawn

Adopted Sister

Towards Vrinn Dawn


Vrinn Dawn

Adopted Brother

Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Gemini Corus


Gemini Corus


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Dianelys Dawn


Dianelys Dawn


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Dimitrios Dawn


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Dimitrios Dawn


Silivren Dawn


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Silivren Dawn


Silith Dawn


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Silith Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Caius Dawn


Caius Dawn


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Merilli Dawn-Creed


Merilli Dawn-Creed


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Nyx Amaryllis


Nyx Amaryllis


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Luinaew Corus


Luinaew Corus


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Keyne Corus


Keyne Corus


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Pollux Corus


Pollux Corus


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Luscinia Dawn


Towards Phaedra Dawn


Phaedra Dawn


Towards Luscinia Dawn


Current Status
Rebel in Crypha
Current Location
Year of Birth
4000 AGE 1058 Years old
Dimitrios Dawn (Husband)
Vrinn Dawn (Adopted Brother)
Dianelys Dawn (Sister)
Silivren Dawn (Sister)
Silith Dawn (Brother)
Merilli Dawn-Creed (Half-Sister)
Nyx Amaryllis (Half-Brother)
Luinaew Corus (Half-Sister)
Keyne Corus (Half-Brother)
Pollux Corus (Half-Brother)
The Titan of Dawn

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