

Close your eyes for a moment and think of the color GREEN. What do you see in your mind's eye and what do you feel?
Nature, lush landscapes, meadows, forests, fertile earth, hope, calm, serenity?
This green, positive and bright mood meets a growing nature and lush landscapes on the continent of the earth element. Did you know that the origin of the word green comes from the Old Germanic "ghro" which means to grow and flourish?   The element earth forms the tangible basis and provides stability. Since ancient times, the earth has been represented by female deities, as only in them can life grow. Growth and decay are important cycles of life and nature.


Theme, Scene & People

The continent of the earth element is inspired by the forests and meadows of the northern hemisphere. It is a world of spiritual magic in meadows and forests.   Landscapes such as flower-hill-heights, moos rock, a mining valley, the blue gorge/mountains, crane meadows, the forest of a thousand lights, stalactite caves with laboratories, a forest of giant flowers, lakes of lights, magic mushroom meadows, greenlings and the large tremlling giants bear witness to the power of nature.   Along with giants and trolls, goblins are the main humanoid species. In Ireland and Germanic mythology, goblins tend to belong to the lower classes. They are not particularly popular in the fantasy world or evolved into reptilian humanoids as kobolds.
Vertile Nature by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney

In connection with mother earth
by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney

Dear DnD developers, Kobold is the German word for goblin and I find it horrible. It must finally stop! Here the ethnic groups of the goblins are influenced by Celtic and Germanic influences as well as the life of the Native Americans.

Their language is based on Celtic languages such as Gaelic and Welsh mixed with Old English spelling.

The basic idea is a deep connection to Mother Earth, where they were born from her womb. Cultures emerged that consciously shape and perceive their environment. Visions, spirituality, totems are just as much a part of it as a life in harmony with nature. Magic and reality are connected by a veil. They knew how to use this secret and rose to become the most important species on the Earth's continent.




The music of the earth element sounds as if music from the Middle Ages meets Irish and Scottish sounds. Flutes, violins, drums paired with gentle harp playing invite you to dance or linger.

I love the music of Enya, Riverdance and Lord of Dance. When everything is mixed a little with epic, spherical sounds, I'm in my world.

The following pieces are shorter and partly contain vocals.


Movies, Series &

There are no films about goblins or none in which goblins play the main role. But there are still a lot of films and series whose content is inspiring for the continent of the world.   How to train your Dragon - Apart from the dragons, it's about friendship and solidarity, which is also reflected in the culture of the goblins.   The Last Kingdom - Great series about the kingdoms of England before William the Conqueror came to power. Even though the series often gets bloody, it's mainly about loyalty.   Vikings - Another great series that tells the story of the sometimes bloody conquests of the Vikings from Europe to America over several years, combining historical events with the myths and legends about Ragnar Lodbrok, his sons and the shield maiden Lagertha. Although equally gory, I put it on this list because I like the connection to the gods and myths.   Outlander - is a fantastic series/book about a woman who travels back 200 years in the Scottish Highlands, meets the love of her life and experiences some historical events of the 18th century in Scotland, France and America. There is so much inspiration here that I just had to mention it.

Imagery on Pinterest

If you want to see more, follow the hidden link in the credit of the picture.


Important Articles

Athril, Prince of Âdocôris (Character)
Family tree, royal house of Âdocôris (Organisation)
Brictælgis (Continent)
Âdocôris - Land of meadows (Country)
Tirvox ad Coimi - Stone Crown (Capital)
Âdocôdix - Goblin (Species)
Meadow goblins (Ethnicity)
The brictaelgican Pantheon (Religion)
Earth Powers (Magic)
Creation of Goblins (Myth)
Aslae-Stone circle (Magical Place)
Order of the Druids (Organisation)
Druids & Shamans (Profession)
Draelgit - Language of Earth


Supporting Articles

Landscapes & Countries
Drûddâci - Greenlings
Tùgwlduin - Ice Giants


Toiáninh ad Midri
Taen Wôtris
Rax Evari


Crown Palace of Tirvox ad Coimi

Magic Places
Lights forest
Magic mushroom meadows

Ethnicities & Cultures
Âtogôtaigs of Prigg-Thâgi
Âdocôdix - Cultural connections
Frost goblin
Forest goblin
Night goblin
Stone goblin
Mountain giant
Sea giant
Tree giant
River troll
Moss troll
Grotto troll

Festivals & Holidays
Moon festival
Day of earth
Blossom festival
Sunbeam dance festival
Day of happiness
Leafe Changing Festival
Day of Ethri
Night of light
Days of honor (Birth, Marriage, Death)
Insignia of Âdocôris

Deities & Religions
Moon Tâmid
Êlgista - Goddess of Earth
Rain Trállox
Fertility Brictissa
Sun Mîrta
Wind Lânis
Death Êthri
Elements & Magic
Earth Powers
Initiation rite of the Âdocôdix

Natural phenomen
Stone and hill hike
Pulsar auroras

Research & Technology
Brictaelgican Luni changing year calendar



Flora & Fauna
Blue Thorn stickleback

Batmùne - Change Tendril
Brict. Oak
Brùdda - Tongue pot
Funnel moss

Treehouse snail
Brictaelgican Wugilf
Emerald monkey
Forest elk
Moss chicken
Grass rabbit
Red fethered
Brict. wild boar
Silver deer
Bumblebee bug
Feather hedgehog
Blue scaled

Ethnicities & Cultures
Brictaelgican Cuisine
Black tears
Green met
All sorts of meadows
Dumpling cake
Náhas ad Midri - Moon Soup
filled Egerlings
Rose hip relish
Caramelized nettle seeds
Green cone broth

Research & Technology
Mushroom Harvester  
Business & Economy
Green salt
Brict. Systemes


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