Téshàn - Continent of Air (ˈtʰéʃàn)

"The quickest way to get around here is to travel by airship. I'll take them safely anywhere between the tops of the Skymountains and the flying islands. I hope you're not afraid of sky pirates."

Paet Rikson - Captain in the Cloud Fleet 2.163 AEC -
Téshàn is the continent of the element air. It covers an area of approximately 9,700 km², making it the third largest continent in Elaqitan. Its inhabitants are called Téshàni. The main race are the Sápâshî, fairy-elves who speak Vímtèsh.


At a glance

Total area: ca. 9.700 km²
Largest Land area: Taíkhí Oúron 6.120 km²
Largest inland lanke: Nátívônáx 721 km² (Taíkhí Oúron)
Largest Island: Xaí Lîmtâsh 980 km² (Taíkhí Oúron)
Highest mountain: Éró Hêphîx 7.412 m (Khaí Lúpé)
Longest river: Loûnkám 1.232 km
Biggest city: Qánsáví 635 km² / 400.678 Einwohner (Taíkhí Oúron)
Average temperature: 23,7° C
Gems Tâqílit, Rýqílit, Hêphýpás
Wool of Ákósi, Threads of Ýnaí / Târó
Important placec of téshánian magic:
Sun temple of Kýthý (Taíkhí Oúron)
School of Tôs (Taíkhí Oúron)
Tower of the Air in Vônqán (Taíkhí Oúron)
Air station of Kýsh (Khaí Lúpé)


Téshàn is located in the north-east of Elaqitan. The continent is surrounded by the "Ténâtí" in the west, the "Nátí épóqôná" in the south, the "Nátúqé Lyais" in the east and the "Oinâni" in the northwest.

On Téshàn there is a high number of plateaus. In addition, there are many small flying islands at different altitudes, especially on the south-west side of the continent. The "Taí Tashéron" in the middle east of the continent is the largest mountain range.

The three largest rivers are the "Loûnkám", "Nânkám", the large and small "Kámûshthaîs". The "Nátívônáx" in the north-west is the largest inland lake that is fed underground by the "Oinâni".

Hochebenen - Dschungelplateau - Himmelsberge


Téshàn includes two countries that are governed separately. In Taíkhí Oúron has ruled for over 1,000 years the Aílâ Tashkésýrá té Saívámshí as world ruler and in Khaí Lúpé the or the "Ínývá Tashkésýrá té Saívímtôs" as the highest ruler of the gods.

Taíkhí Oúron
6.120 km²
Khaí Lúpé
3.580 km²
"Master" or "Mistress"



Most of Téshán lies on the northern "Téshté Plate", which borders the "Eslaec Plate" in the west. This is followed by the "Qírí Plate", which rubs against the "Elaqis Plate" and in the east with the small "Sátáx plate" bordering This plate pushes up to the Téshté plate, resulting in the elevation of the "Taí Tashéron".


The average temperature is in the central north at a humid 20°C to 30°C and around the "Nátívônáx" in the northwest at approx. 0°C to 10°C. While the plateaus themselves often have sunny and pleasant temperatures, the slopes below the plateaus are often covered in clouds and fog often rises from the lowlands, which can hardly grow above the cloud cover. Light rainfall on the plateaus ensure a Mediterranean climate.

In the south, the temperature is often a very humid 30°C to 35°C and there are monsoon-like rains. This led to extensive jungle forests, especially on the coast to the "Nátí épóqôná" in the south.

On the other hand, average temperatures of around 20°C prevail on the flying islands.

Climate zones

On Téshàn, the weather is mainly influenced by the colder temperate "Wôdrûd zone", which, however, in contrast to Brictaelgis, has warmer average temperatures. Below the "Taí Tashéron" the continent lies in the subtropical "Hépútú zone".

Only on the southern coasts of the continent in the "Hépútú zone" are there warm ocean currents. Cold sea currents prevail on the outer north-eastern seas of the "Wôdrûd zone".

The coasts of the "Ténâtí" are an exception, because here, driven by the magic of the world tree and the island of "Aqitalú", a warmer water cycle is created that flows to the mouth of the "Lâris" of Brictaelgis and back again through a natural dam. The dam additionally protects the inflow of cold water through the "Oinâni".


Special natural phenomena

It is very common to see annular rainbows around the plateaus, created by sunlight filtering through the clouds onto the nebula. Such rainbows are additionally strengthened on slopes with waterfalls, so rainbow falls appear here.

The flying islands move along the west coast of Téshán by their own internal magnetic fields that appear to be connected to the west coast of Téshán.

Flora & Fauna

Especially in the jungle areas there is a large number of different species of butterflies and other insects. This led to the development of many carnivorous plants.

Many animal species can fly or glide in order to be able to overcome the impenetrable forests above their treetops or the misty lowlands.

Natural resources

In Téshán, the main gems "Tâqílit", "Rýqílit" and "Hêphýpás" are mined, which are washed up on the banks of the rivers.

In addition, the wool of the "Ákósi" and the fabrics from "Ýnaí" and "Târó" are important resources for high-quality textile production.


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