
Bugbears are strong and ferocious warriors that normally live quite lives as roaming nomads. Historically native to the Jungles of Sue, Bugbears are best categorized as gentle giants, most will follow whoever they see as "top dog" in their given group and often fallow anyone that can prove themselves mightier. This unfortunately leads many to think that they are mindless brutes only good for Barbarians. But in reality their closeness with nature has lead to a number of Druids and even Alchemists being among their race.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Most Bugbears live up to about 80 years but can live up to about 100 if they live a quiet and reserved life. Reaching full maturity at around 16-17 they undergo a ritual at about this time to purge them of any influence caused by Bane, Fafthnier, Kazef, or Maglubiyet.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Bugbears know at least Universal Common and Common of their homeland, be that Sue or otherwise. Otherwise most will also learn Goblinoid, though some choose to learn Sylvan or Elvish as a good secondary.


Like most creatures from the goblinoid family Bugbears history lies in the origins of their race Which ties in with the myth of how Orcs and Elves came into being. When The Storm General Kord and The Archheart Corellon were injured there were those mortals that were bathed in both these deities blood. Bugbears are said to be the result of those who recived more of Kord's blood than Corelon's. Thus resulting in the large lanky creatures we have, a paradox in many respects with their large builds, long arms and somewhat unnatural means of silent and soft movement. 
Like many Goblinoids, Bugbears have no one god they worship, as creatures of fey and orc origins they were mostly left to their own devices. However some legends say that the Giants took an intrest in them for a time. Powerful stelth warriors with an orcs furosity and an almost giant build made it so that they could keep up with the giants. But as they were never truly accepted as giats they were more exploited by the giant panthion. None more infamus or greater than Torog the Crawling King. In Bugbear legend it was Torog that imbued the Bugbears with their more savage and simplistic nature. An atmpt to make a more magical orger or Hill giant. 
It is said that the Knoiwing Mistress and one of the Giant gods interviend and gave them wisdom to counter act anything that Torog could try and do. In this sence it is what has given them an abundance of druidic knowledge. But thise nature left in them by Torog still remains and can bind them to his influence.
Scientific Name
Humanoid- Goblinoid
60- 100 years


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