
Cat-Sith is the collective term used to refer to any feline humanoid. In the world of E’ven-dra there are two main kin that exist, the lean and spry Tabaxi and the hearty and firce Leonin .

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

All Cat-Sith regardless of kinship have the same General growth rate and age range. Most reach full physical maturity at around the age 17-19 and are considered adults in their respective communities at the same age. On average a Cat-sith lives between 80-100 years depending on their enviroment.

Civilization and Culture


Many scholars believe the Cat-Sith originated in the Fey Wilds some time after Lolth’s revolt. But unlike, Goblinoids, Elves, other fey races the Cat-Sith are believed to have been a group of humanoids that came into contact with the fey. Some legends say that the Cat-Sith were tricked into the fey wilds by unseelied fey and turned into cats by their magic. Others say they are descendants of a Yuan-ti branch that worshiped cats and other felines. While others say they are literally cats that wondered into the fey wilds and some fey decided to turn them into Humanoids.
Unfortunately we may never truly know as like most cats, Cat-Sith tend to be detached and be "live in the moment" kind of people. Ever curious and cautious most Cat-Sith are not worried about were they came from as they prefer to think of were they are going. That isn’t to say that some Cat-Sith may pounder these things, just know they are rare and few between. Perhaps a things for your own Cat-Sith to ponder?
What is known is that the Cat-Sith appeared on he world E’ven-dra after the Devastation like all others, and seem to put most of their faith into The Knowing Mistress Ioun as their founder deity. With most of them coming out of the Sue jungles in Cuveisa and the savannas of northern Thayon in Dramon. Most Dramon Cat-Sith live as The Alard and are Leonin . While most Tabaxi  come from the jungles of Sue.
Genetic Descendants

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