
One of the two kin of Cat-sith, these hearty and firce catfolk live in the sweeping savanas of northern Thayon.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Most Leonin are discribes as muscularly hearty. Often with an appirance thet resembles what would be called large cats or Pantherinae cats, such as lions, tigers, lepards and jaguars. With razor like claws and a firce hunting intinct many make excelent hunter and racors. While they lack the climbing ability and speed bursts of their Tabaxi cusins they make up for it with a faster regular ground speed and a a truly intimidating roar.

Civilization and Culture


Like all Cat-sith the leonin's origins are as mysterius as any. What is known is that they were monstly found in the norther savanas of Thayon boardering the Dragoon Jungle. Their alliance with the Yuan-ti and Lizardfolk of the jungle tribes during the sundering years in on the continent has certainly leant credance to the belife that the may have common ansectory. Regaurdless the Leonin acted as front line guards against any atempt made to push that ancient conflict into the jungle.
Allthough some claim that this may be because of their conection The Knowing Mistress Ioun and fabled Crystal Library that is hidden within the jungles. Either way after the sundering years they mostly lived as nomads following game and peacfully liveing among the other natives of the Thayon savanas and badlands.
While rare there are Leonin that can trace their liniage not to Dramon but to Sue. Most act as honor bound sell swords near the edge of the jungle and are loyal to the Tiger Sect along with their Tabaxi cousins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
The average Leonin stands between 6 and 7 feet tall.


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