
One of the two kin of the Cat-sith these lyth and stealthy catfolk are grate infiltrators and scouts.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Most Tabaxi resemble more what people would call small cats like many of the mordern domesticated cat. However do not let this fool you, with some resembaling taking after Ocelots, Lynxs and Pumas you may get an unhappy reminder that even small cats are still killers. With razor sharp claws and somewhat smaller forms and shapr ears lend themselves to have a higher affinity to stealth and excelent perceptive abilities. While they lack the intimidation factor of the their larger Leonin cousins and faster base ground speed. They more than make up for it in their ability to climb almost anything along with the ability to cover masive areas of ground in the blink of an eye. As an old Sue saying goes "A dragon may may fly faster than most can but a Tabaxi that has not neglected their training and found sregth in them selves may be faster still when the need is greatest." (AKA. Tabaxi+Monk+Barbarian= stupid fast!)

Civilization and Culture


Like all Cat-sith the tabaxi's origins are as mysterius as any. What is known is that they are mostly native to the Jungles Sue. KNown for their formitable combat skills and somewhat unpradictable movments, that can be mistaken for drunckeness, they have created a style of rythmic combat the mixes the unprodictable nature of most felines with presise strikes. Most Sue born Tabaxi are part of or seek to join the Tiger Sect were they can true ly learn from the best. 
That said Tabaxi can also be found in the savanahs of Thayon, though rare, were many act as scouts and curiures. Mostly choosing to live among the "civilized" people in this reguard compared to their Leonin cousins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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