
Fairies are a type of fey that have had a cross existence in E’ven-dra and the The Feywilds. Small and otherwise inconspicuous fairies can be found almost all over the world but most do not stray far from their home in the feywilds and those that do come to the material plane often do not wounded far from the crossing that brought them there. 
Fairies are among the few fey that trace their lineage back to The Archheart Corellon and The Storm General Kord injure one another and the elven schism. Because of this one would think that fairies by definition would be ranked higher. Well not quite, Elves are still the actual children of Corellon and fairies as they are simply exemplifying the Archfey Titania. 
Regardless, Fairies are a small fey race that resemble humanoids with butterfly or dragonfly wings patruding from their backs. Though bee, mosquito, beetle or other insect like wings are common. Most fairies can be found in Cohn acting as messengers, particularly between the feywilds and the material plane. Their natural magics make them great game and grounds keepers. As such many rangers and druids can be found among Fairy kind. This has unfortunately lead to many scholars to conclude that that fairies are unable to fly in heavy or even medium armor. This combined with the fact that most fairies delicate looking wings do not look like they are capable of such a feet has not helped this miss understanding.
This is not true, at least for the fairies of E’ven-dra, the fact is that a fairies wings are a part of the their magical nature. The Wings them selves are practically an ascetic choice and do not actually have any true baiting on their flight. The Fairies of E’ven-dra can fly while wearing heavy or medium armor. In fact the Archfey Titania is said to have a host of Heavy armored fairies that accompany her most place that take the form of several silver butterflies that flitter around and perch on her. However it should be mentioned that the wings are still need for flight. As if a fairies wings are damaged they can loose the ability. In summery it is best stated the a fairies wings contain a type of always active fly spell, were the wings act as the medium for them. Which is why if they are damaged or one is lost flight may also be.

Basic Information

Biological Cycle

Like most long lived races, a fairies can live up to 700 years reaching full maturity at the same rate as a human but often not being considered an adult among its own kind till they reach their first century. After reaching maturity a Fairies growth slows to a near unnoticeable crawl. But again most fairies stay close to home a rarely venture into the unknown. They few that do often do so after reaching full maturity but before the end of the first century when they are considered an adult.


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