
Loyal and powerful warriors making some of the best fighters and paladins. Historically native to Vei, were they are best known for their horsemanship and almost military like camaraderie. In Vei most hobgoblins live in nomadic tribes that roam the western deserts and eastern plains. These hobs, as a shortened form of their races name, live much like the Mongolian people that the area takes inspiration from. However, as a goblinoid race their origin is tied to the wounding of their divine, The Storm General Kord, which also closely also ties them to the fey and the feywilds.
With all of this keep in mind doesn’t mean much for game play, Hobs are found through out the world of E’ven-dra. Often around the same hight as a human, some have been known to rival elves in this area. Often in versus shades of red with curved pointed ears and slightly flatter noses that have been observed to change color, often between its normal red and a dark or royal blue, with the changing of their emotions. As said above Hobs by their nature make great warriors, both fighters and paladins alike. But some have also found peace in life as bards and clerics. As a historically nomadic people, many Hob clans outside of Vei trace themselves back to Druidic conclaves that left following signs of nature and just settled down. As such Druids and rangers are also not uncommon among Hobgoblins.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Because of their ancient fey connection most hobgoblins can live between 100-110 years in age. Maturing maturing ruffly at the same rate as humans they actually reach full maturity around 17 or 18, and are considered adults among their own kind around the same time. But often not till accomplish some type task or series of test set forth by their elders. These tasks will often be specific to the person being tested and at the end of which the elders will gift them something of significance to individual being tested. Warriors being given a weapon of the clan or if they are riders a mount, bards an instrument and so forth.   After reaching full maturity Hob age at a reduced rate of about 1 year for ever 3 human years, so an 18 year old hob will not show any signs of aging till at least 21 and so on.

Civilization and Culture


Hobs are another offshoot of Goblinoids and like all goblinods their history is first steeped in their creation. Acording to legend when The Storm General Kord and The Archheart Corellon had their injuries and their blood spilled on the mortals that followed them creating the Orcs and Elves it is said that were places that the blood mixed and thier were mortals bathed in both these deities power.
Hobs are said to come from those who bathed more equaly in the blood of both gods. Inheariting the combat prowess of Kord and the whilly whit and cunning of Corellon. It may be for this reason that when all was said and done that the tribe was noticed by Bane, General of the Damed. As Kords dark opposite he tricked many early hobgoblins into his ranks and forced them into comiting a great number of atrocities. Marshaling vast hobgoblins armies under his banner in ever continuing wars.
Hobs perfer to act the host and many tribes and clans, even thoghs outside of Vie, hold sacred the "law of Hospotality" as thier gretest truth. For Unlike other Goblinoids, apart from Bane. Hobs have no central or guiding Deity. A Hob warrior is just as likly to seek answers from what one may call and elven god of war as they may Kord himself. While a Mage may seek answers from Corelon or some other deity of magic. Truly the only one they fear is Bane, to this day many hobgoblins live in fear of catching Bane’s eye and know that they walk a fine line when they indulge in combat.
Scientific Name
Humanoid- Goblinoid
100-110 years


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