Lia'uli Thornbitter

Lia'Uli Thornbitter (a.k.a. Lia)

The hardened modern history and citizenship professer of Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School. She is also the professer in charge of the warrior track's fighter course.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First thing that should be said of Lia is she is old, even by Half-Orc standards. Her father was an orc warrior from the Boar reagion of Sue, who travled to Avalon to expand their horizons. Ariving in Lilly More he met Lia's mother and human mage native to the heartlands but in need of an able body to act as a body guard. Well one thing led to another and here Lia is.
Lia is well trained in both her mother and fathers techniechs, as an eldritch knight, offering students a rare opertunity to truly understand how magic and combat can work together. She is also the Mage Ball Coach even further reminding students that it takes boath mind and body to be a true warrior.
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