Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School Organization in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School

the crowned jewel of Luna Cove training the next great generation of heros and adventuruers.


LCAH is just like most magnet high schools with the sole exception of it being that it is a school for training the next generation of adventurers and heros. The School of course is apart of the The Elms Academic Council with Emrys Le'fey acting as Chairman of the board. Luna Cove Countys superintendent is Casandra Alexandrite. However she spends the majority of time between The City of Elms University and Luna Cove and only steps in when needed. Otherwise LCAH's principle Andrew Redman is left to run things to the best of their ability, along with his vice-principle Penance.
Below them is The Parent Teachers Accoiation, which granted most parents that have their children attend LCAH are aware that its a school for adventurers. While most would think they would be the bigest thorn in the schools side that would be incorect. Yes, every couple of years there is at least one or two parents that try to fex over the school and get their child special treatment or change how things work to make it the way they want it. However this often ends with one or two groups of older student treating those parents like tiranichal dictators and making it their ultimat mission to to tear them down before gradguation. It should be mentioned that the teachers offten activly encurage this behavior as way of training. Thus more often than not the PTA is just a place for parents to make sure things dont go to far and at least voice their thoughts.
After the PTA falls the Student Goverment, Auxilary Staff and Teachers. Unlike most high school goverments you might be used to the student goverment of an Elms School actualy gets things done. Almost everything that hapens at the school is something motivated by the Students. As such the student goverment is actualy very important, as club budgets and founds for school events are all hadled by the students.
The Auxilory Staff are the varius cooks in the catatiria, janitors, and guidance counscelers. There are 17 teachers refered to as professors that make up the schools academic facilty, each teachs a particular subject, and are part of a group track and class course. Group Tracks group students togeather based on silimar skills and abilities that the varius classes courses will end up useing. Normally a student would be expexted to attend all these class to recive a normal edjucation. However beacuse of the way the teacher are set up student that are part of the same Track as a teachers subject are exempt from the taking the subject. The idea being that the student will be learning specific versions of these subjects that will be usfull in their chosen class. the following is a list of the 17 prefossers, Subject, Track and Course;
Chemestry Expert Artificer
Wood/Steal Shop Expert Artificer
Gym Warrior Barbarian
Audrey Cloudrunner Thiddellwit Drama/Dance Expert Bard
Jungsai Sanchir Music: Band/Chior Expert Bard
World/ Ancient History Warrior Blood Hunter
Health Support Cleric
Willow O'Mare Biology Support Druid
Lia'uli Thornbitter Modern History/ Citizenship Warrior Fighter
Language Warrior Monk
Political Science/Philosophy Support Paladin
Geogrophy/ Earth Science Expert Ranger
Zakaria Crain Home Economics Expert Ranger
Math-Finance Expert Rouge
Marin Saltdeep Art Mage Sorcerer
Garret Tealeaf Litirature Mage Warlock
Physics/ Math-Geomotry Mage Wizard

With this it may be easier to visulise some things, Mages and Experts will not need to take general math as it is part of the standard cariculum. But Warriors and Support students will be expexted to take those math courses. At the same time it is best to understand that those courses with one or more professer are actualy co-taught. The Bard course is actualy a great example Audrey and Sanchir are both bard professers but have difrent focuses that are reflected in the general subject they teach to the rest of the students. Audrey hadles students with asperations of acting and physicaly demanding performing arts, like dance and mock combat. While Sanchir primarly handles those looking for less physical riquirments, music in most aspect. From teaching how to play instruments to singing and the more academic aspects of these things. However both still hadle bard students, it falls tot he students to aproach and attand classes with the professer that helps them the most. Some split their time evenly while others choose one over the other, if you feel your character needs help. Well thats what the guidance counseler is there for.


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