Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School Building / Landmark in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School

Purpose / Function

LCAH is the crowned jewel of Luna Cove training the next great generation of heros and adventuruers. Students enter the school as early as 14 and spend three years learning all they can along one of 13 class tracks including options for multi track studies. Studdents pay a base tuition fee before the start of the school year, the 3rd of Soveliss, that equates to half their total tuition. The other half is due by the end of the school year, 30th of Avamar. This gives students a chance to pay this off over the course of the year by participating in the schools starer adventuring program. Where students partace in actual adventurs and jobs to earn money and pay off their tuition.
  And for those interested in more than adventuring there are also three athletic programs that have seen state champion chips. The Mage Ball Team boasts some of the best Clerics, Paladins, Rangers, while the Blood Ball Team supports some of the most visous Barbarians and fighters, and the swim team is nothing to scoff at. That said all i can say is "GO BASALISKS!", yes the schools mascot is a Basalisk, with its colors as blue and red.
Alternative Names
Luna Cove Adventuring High School, LCAH
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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