Perhorn Silvertail

Perhorn Silvertail

Perhorn Silvertail is guild master of The Widow Makers mercenary guild of the The Vailforge Legion. Having spent most of his early life on the streets as a best folk orphan in the capitol, Red Gate, he grew up in the cities slum and dock district, Dust Town, looking at the other districts and the other guilders living their lives not even thinking about those who lacked the for business acumen and coin. However either through a stroke of luck or poor judgment, Perhorn found himself running with a less than reputable group of people. Mostly brought in as a runner, he spent much of his early life running messages and packages all over the city, often carrying thing he knew better than to ask about or worry about. That is until one day he arrived at a delivery location to discover the business owner and their shop had been robbed including the payment he was expecting for that delivery. The owner managed to work out a deal to have the money for him the next day and to come back, unfortunately this was all a trap, as it seemed Perhorn had garnered a reputation and was become to good at his job. Arriving the next day Perhorn found himself surrounded.
  However Perhorn was no idiot and had brought back up of his own, at first it looked as though both party would just walk away till the shop owner poked fun at two things that had always been touchy subjects for the Harengon, the fact that he was a Harengon and and his short stature. Flying into a bit of a rage Perhorn sunk a stiletto he had on him into the shop keeps eye and was turning a once "hansom" elven business man into a hamburger. the thugs he brought quickly dispatched by Perhorn and the other he brought with him. At first arrested for the "assault" it was latter discovered that the elven "shop keep" was not actually the shop keep he claimed to be but a con man who had kidnaped the real shop keep and was using his shop as a front. As thanks for his work Perhorn was given a substantial reward by the real owner and the respect of the the men he fought with as he never "ratted" them out. After this Perhorn and his friends started getting requests for a different kind of currier work, buddy guarding. The quick little rabbit man had gained a reputation as a man who took zero crap and was an honest business man. Though people also learned quickly not to call him either of those things. 
Though untraditional Perhorn is technically a Kensi Monk and Inquisitive Rouge.
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Leomond, 1371
Year of Birth
1371 PC 33 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A Sliver Grey
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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