Red Gate

In the days before the Republic, Vailforge was a loose collisions of town and villages were Guilds controlled the day to day. With no real capitol and main government moving to wherever the most money was going life was harsh and difficult in Vailforge. But after an Inquisition terror attack on the Village of Red Stone, the people had enough. they choose to stop moving and plant a flag and say no more that if people like the Inquisition wanted to come at them then they would meet a people united by the strength of freedom. The Village of Red Stone became the City of Red Gate and became the capitol city of the Vailforge Republic.


Do to the cities nature it is impossible to have an accurate idea on the racial demographic of the city.


Ruled by the guildocrocy of the Republic with the nobility of the city being the various business owners and guild masters. The Vailforge Guild Senate, The Temple Alliance, and the The Vailforge Legion working together to keep the mechanism going.


The Vailforge Legion acts as the cities main defenceive force.


The Vailforge Guild Senate acts as the face of all business and commerce in the city and country.


  • Red Gate
Founding Date
200,000 people
Location under
Owning Organization


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