Rutter Farms Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Rutter Farms

A moderately sized cranberry farm west of Rutter in Luna Cove County of the State of Elms. The farm also produces sweet corn, apples and other root herbs. The fruit and herbs are used to produce a popular soda brand favored by locals.


  • 60% Human
  • 20% Half-elf
  • 14% Half-orc
  • 5.6% Genasi
  • .4% other


Rutter Farms is owned by the John Rutter but acts more like a village headman for the comunity that has grown around his families ancestral farm. That said as land lord of the area and head of the Rutter family makes him come off more like a local lord. However John would never ask to be treated like that and perfers a headman like position work with the others.

Industry & Trade

At the end of the day Rutter Farms relies on its exportation of cranberries, corn, other produce and the little turisum the areas natural beauty brings in. About 40 years ago a John Rutter introduced the idea a making carbonated drinks after having one in his travles, spacifcly when he was in Roanoke. Using a water from the Luna River, wich already had a number of natural minarals and adding vereus syrups made from the fruits, herbs and spices native to the area they produced several soft drinks that have also brought in a fare bit of income.


Rutter's mostly is just the farm, however a few bussiness have opened around the idea of traveling to the farm to see the harvests and somewhat stuning views that come with being so close to the Luna River. Two resturaunts offering comfortable to wealthy fare along side an traditional tavern offering modest food and drink that actualy dates back to the farms founding over 400 years ago. There are also three inns offering rooms from modest to wealthy. As it happens the water from the river dose have several benefits when used for bathing and spaw treat ments causing a Spaw and Bathhouse to open near by as well. 
A local mill and backery opened together to help proces and produce local grains, mostly corn meal. A local family runs a small butcher and firsh monger shop to provide just that. There is also a tailor and coboler that provide basic nasasities in clothing and shoes. While a small smithy and general store provide quick necessities but nothing over 30 gold. The only thing that really stand out is a local Alchemist that acts as the farms closest equivilant to a docter. 
Otherwise people come to explore the area looking to hire guides for hikes and hunts. Some even going on multi day tripes hireing horses that can handle the old trails and back roads that have yet to catch up with modern technology.
Outpost / Base


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