State of Elms Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

State of Elms

Elms is the north western most state of Northern Avalon. Elms is is best known for its academic pursutes and leaning along with its capital, The Academic City of Elms. Culturaly simmilar to Masatusets, much of the state is covered in the think woods of the Forest of Elms. As to which came first. Many belive the State was named after the forest or atleast the original founders took the kingdoms name from the forest. After all like all states of Northern Avalon, Elms was once an independant kingdom or at least a city state. But after the Catcysum and the establishment of the The Lords of Avalon it was given a constitution and the arostocracy of Elms became the leading members of The Elms Academic Council, which is based out of the states capitol, The City of Elms University.
Elms as a whole is otherwise best character simular to Massachusets, and like all of Northern Avalon Massachusets in the 1970s and 1980s.


Elms like most states of Northern Avalon boasts a robust highway system that conects all the magor setelments of the states. Because of the technological advancments and the ease of purchase most families can affored and own at least one Arcano-tech or Mage-tech  motorvehichle. Most cities and larger towns have a public transit system in the form of a public bus with a set rout. 
Between setilments overnight busses can be be found if one wishes to not have to drive themselves. Airship and Train travle is avalible for those intrested in it but these are expensive even for the time period Northern Avalon is ment to reflext.


Elms is subdivided into 9 counties, these being; 
  • Luna Cove County  
  • The City of Elms University 
  • Goldfield County
  • Runecarver County 
  • Iornthroat County 
  • Bastion's Cove County 
  • Vogner County 
  • Dail County 
  • Volckvier County 
Location under
Owning Organization


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