Luna Cove County Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Luna Cove County

This manly refers to the northern area of the State of Elms just north of The City of Elms University and consists of the city of Luna Cove and the surrounding towns, villages, and hamlets.


A wide veriaty of people live in the Luna County Area but a general breack down of the county is as follows,  36% Human, 23% Half Races, 18% Beast Folk 9% Small Races, 8% Longlived races, 6% Demi-Humans.


The county is mostly controled by an elexted County Executive who answeres to the State of Elms Govoner.

Industry & Trade

Luna Cove county survives on three main exports Copper, Gold, and Fish. The copper and gold trade with the dwarfs of Copper Stout found a great deal of the county and what dosn't come from the mines comes from respected fisher men and women. Granted atleast 50-60% of the fish that comes Luna cove is canned and packaged at the factory on the south side of Luna cove propper. Otherwise the county survives on near year round Turisum.


The county of Luna Cove is made up of;
  • Luna Cove - "capital" of the County and the areas major city
  • Copper Stout- A medium sized town built at the entrance to a dwarven mine by the same name
  • Rutter- A small sized town in the northern region built on the bank of a small river and lake.
  • Fishkill- A small village at the northern most point of the county, more of a shanty town or trailer park than anything else
  • Rutter Farms - A cranberry farm and hammlet just out side of Rutter
  • Roger's Farm- A dairy farm and cattle ranch nessled between Luna Cove and Copper Stout
  • Dragon's Roost- A Ski lodge nestled in the foothills of the Dracul Mountains northeast of Copper Stout.
  • Knight's Tower- A military base located just outside of Luna Cove city. 
  • Tourism

    Luna Cove survives on four main turist atractions that keep people comeing throughout most of the year.
    1. Luna Cove Proper boasts one of the largest comersial beaches in Northern Avalon its side of the Dracul Mountains. Locals are aloud to use the beach year round at no cost but from around the 21st of Leomond to the 30th of Liavel, Luna Cove proper opens those beaches to general public for a simple entrance fee.
    2. Luna Cove county is filled with the thick forests of automnal trees. Starting around the 1st of Soveliss and going into the end of the year, around the the 30th Braunvu people come from all across the reagion to see the beautiful changeing of the leaves. Campers, hikers, and adventures seek the woods and the area around. Rutter and Rutter's Farm also help with their cranberry harvest about halfway through the season.
    3. The Dragon's Roost is a semi famus ski lodge nestled in the foothills of the Dracul mounts. Starting 21st of Braunvu and going till atleast the 30th of Barsa the area has a near constant 6-12 inches of snow perfect for Skiers of all levels.
    4. Finally there is Slumber's Rest a Mega Dungen located on the Southwestern woods of Luna Cove County. Drawing Adventures from all over people normaly need permistion from The Lords of Avalon to enter. But students of The Elms Academic Council, particulalrly of the adventures hight school are alloud to enter for free.


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