Rutter Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil


A small farming town north of Luna Cove in Luna Cove County of the State of Elms.


  • 60% Human 
  • 16% Half-Elf
  • 12% Half-Orc 
  • 6% Genasi
  • 5.6% Goliath
  • .4% other


Like most Avalonian towns Rutter has an elected mayor and town council that work in tandem to ensure its needs are met.

Industry & Trade

Most people in Rutter either work in the docks or make their way to Luna Cove for work. at the end of the day most live a modest life style and want for little.


A small strip mall makes up the towns merchantile area with its parking lot acting as a comunity space of near daily farmer's markets. Otherwise Ma's General, run by the elderly Half-Orc Ma Gurgroo, acts as the towns General Store (selling items up to 200gp). Flint's, owned by the fire genasi/goliath Flint Stoneharth, acts as the towns smith selling quality metal work along with weapons and armor worth up to 200 gp. There is then Winter Whisp's Tintures and Tonixs, owned by the air genasi/goblin Fizzeraly "Fizz" Swirl, acting as the towns pharmacy and teen hangout, with ice cream, soda and egg creams sold along side potions and filling out medacine pascriptions. Then Field Theards is a local tailor owned by a Halfling family, the Rowrunners and Storm's Eye the magic book store owned by Jerault Stormheir the goliath wizard. 
Otherwise the town has a local bar, Bogg's Drain, that every adult goes to after a long days work and Al's a local resurant owned by a Half-elf by the same name. Built on the south western shore of a small river baisen lake at the base of the Dracul Mountains. A rive just large enough to acomidate river boats and as such the town dose boast a small river dock. Finaly a small Motel and bathhouse owned by Water and Earth Genasi couple make offer visitors and travelers a bit of comfort. 
After all of this Rutter also has a single town hall, Elementry, Middle and standard High schools and boasts one of the larger churchs of The Harvest King Sucellus that has a halfway decent relasion with the none human residants of the town. Perhapes it is because of this fact that Rutter plays hoset to Counties Suport Track Highschool, specializing in the training of clerics and paladins.
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