The Everlight, Paratel

Uriel Peratel Romanoff (a.k.a. The Everlight, The Dawn Father, The God Bard)

Born Uriel Paratel and the eldest son the of the Romanoff family of Albion, he was born some time after his father E'var-o and mother Amerete finished the Star Wars and unified Albion under their rule.

Divine Domains

Light, Life, Knowledge, Nature

Holy Books & Codes

The Good Life, The Tales of Paratel The Bard, and Historia Von Albion or the History of Albion are all book Paratel wrote before and after becoming a Deity or at least is credited with the creating and gathering the knowledge of the manuscripts. After the Cataclysm and the worship of actual deities became more commonplace his works have become the basses for his worshipers.
  The Tales of Paratel the Bard in particular are considered one of his greatest works as it is as close to an autobiography of a deity one will get. While many take its events with a grain of salt as Paratel was a bard in life and bards tend to exaggerate. The Tales themselves are a collection of twelve books that tell chronicle the adventure of Paratel and his friends. And while some worshipers use the books as examples of how to act most simple love them for the adventure books they are. Many teens on the continent of Vail grow up either hearing or reading the books themselves and use them as a call to action. Finding one or more of the characters in the book they love. Be it the loyal and steadfast human warrior David, Enisohn the feral dragonborn child seeking their place in the world, the elven prince Raphael seeking revenge and redemption, Rathacur the halfing alchemist offering wise words of guidance, or even Metatron the gnome reminding them to never let others tell you what to be.
Even young women find the books interesting and characters inspiring. While many of the male characters can play the role it should never be forgotten that if not for Yukihara the elven cleric that stole Paratel’s heart, was also a formidable warrior that saved the group on several occasions not with magic but strength. And without Nadia the harogian monk Enisohn and Rathacur may have never reached their full potentials.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A silver tree silhouetted against a sun

Tenets of Faith

His most important tenants being the fallowing;
  • Enjoy the light of the world and bath in it splendor
  • Let the arts forever inspire you
  • Let the world be your canvas and paint the one you wish to see with your talents
  • Let music fill your heart and dance guide your steps
  • The world's a stage and you are apart of everyone you meet's story, as much as they yours, so be the part you would want to be in their and they will remember you fondly


Paratel's Birthday- 1st of Avamar (First Bloom/May/6)
  • self explanatory as Paratel mortal date of birth 
The Summer Solstice or Kupala- 30th of Avamar (First Bloom/May/6)
  • the longest day of the year, as a god of the Sun and Day it would make sense that his worshipers hold this day as a holly one
Ascension Day- 25th of Liavel (Summer's End/ August/9)
  • not only poetic in the sense of the shortening of Paratel's days as Autumn arrives, it really is the day, according to Paratel's Tails, that Paratel and his allies entered Hell's Tower for thier final battle and Paratel became a god. 


Simiel Romanoff

Brother (Important)

Towards The Everlight, Paratel



The Everlight, Paratel

Brother (Important)

Towards Simiel Romanoff



Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Simiel Romanoff (Brother)


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