Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff

Tsar Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff

The second son, and third child of the McDougal Romanoffs. Because of his older brother, Prechet's, commitments to the Knight of Fianna in Vel, and antiquated ideals of Albion Court, Yuri had the position of Tsar thrust upon him at the age of 20 despite not meeting the normal criteria, aka having a heir before taking the throne. Though he was married, and extremely well educated. Despite not having the Albion Royal Academy, actually was given the chance to study and graduate from the Miskatonic University in the Arkham Valley of Titan. This was mostly because the Devine magic of the Romanoff family appeared in him. Wanting him to be properly trained, having seen what untrained Sorcerer's could do, he was sent to studied and learn how to control his magic. While he did accomplish this he also found the study of science and the occult to be enjoyable to the point of being considered a well trained Artificer as well. While there he met, fell in love, and latter married his wife, Evelien Carter. As the eldest daughter of the Carter family, one of the founding families of the Arkham valley, and Miskatonic University, she was more than "appropriate" partner for the young prince. But with his sisters leaving for Con and his elder brother wanting nothing to do with the throne. Yuri and Evelien saw their world turn upside down, not that either would ever blame Prechet or Anna. However Yuri had been looking forward to being a professor at Miskatonic University were he planned to start as one of the youngest professors. But that would not be the case. Instead Yuri found himself traveling to Roma and being crowned Tsar. Four years later he would have his first child, his daughter, Mavis, and six years after that his second child, another daughter, Ariella. Finally twelve years into his rule Evelien gave birth to their third child, their son Makarav. During his time as Tsar many would claim that he was never meant to be Tsar, some still believed that Prechet would be a beter fit as the true heir. While other claim that it was unfair that Anna be banished for following her heart, and given the advancement of Con under Emperor Kensia and his right hand Hien perhaps they were to harsh in their assessment of his skill. But for ever protractor of Tsar Yuri he had a dozen more supporters, for he proved he was up to the challenge of the throne by establishing the Storm Casts as the military and officially recognizing the work of the Gargoyles and naming them his official Vanguard and awarding its leadership with official military ranks and powers equal to those ranks. He later worked along side Countess Risa Vaduva and aided in the establishment of the Emerald Order and the Tower system to train mages and build up the Sacrosanct, the mage core of the Storm Cast. When Makarav returned form his travels with the eldest daughter of Emperor Kensia, Shio Con, as his wife, he nearly fainted from spider web that was his life. Though regardless he was happy to see his son happy and both his daughters married themselves. When Makarav and Shio found that they were about to have their first child it finally hit Yuri that he could actually be a professor after all, as tradition dictated that when the crowned prince became Tsar, the previous Tsar becomes the Archduke and acts as Headmaster of the Royal Academy. Which in turn lead to Yuri counting the days to when he may be able to just be a teacher, but he would have to wait till his second grandchild. As his first was a granddaughter, Ruchikina or Kina for short, and have to wait some time before his second grandchild, but Karev, his grandson came and with that Yuri has taken his place as the Headmaster of the Royal Academy. Trained as as a 13th level Divine Soul Sorcerer and a 5th level Artilerist Artificer.   


Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff

Brother (Important)

Towards Prechet McDougal Romanoff



Prechet McDougal Romanoff

Brother (Important)

Towards Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff



Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff

Brother (Important)

Towards Anastasia vi McDougal Romanoff Windstrider



Anastasia vi McDougal Romanoff Windstrider

Sister (Important)

Towards Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff



Evelien Carter Romanoff

Wife (Vital)

Towards Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff



Yuri vi McDougal Romanoff

Husband (Vital)

Towards Evelien Carter Romanoff



Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
1334 PC 70 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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