Blake Grimes Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Blake Grimes


Blake Grimes is an enforcer for the Razor Killers gang.


Blake Grimes is an operative within the Razor Killers gang, has entrenched himself in the criminal underworld. Initiating his association with the gang at a young age, Grimes swiftly ascended through the ranks, specializing in orchestrating individuals for minor criminal operations vital to the gang's illicit activities.
Our intelligence has indicated a previous relationship between Grimes and Lucille Emberlink prior to her recrutment to Unit 0 . Their relationship compacated the internal dynamics of the Razor Killers. Emberlink was able to obtain critical information to Grimes, thwarting an assassination attempt by a fellow gang member. This strategic alliance reshaped the Razor Killers' internal structure and operations.
Status: Active
Afilliations: Razor Killers.
Designation: Enforcer
Unit contact: Lucille Emberlink.

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