Lucille Emberlink Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Lucille Emberlink


Team hacker and cyberdoc for Unit 0



Born into a family of corporate workers, Lucille Emberlink enjoyed a life of comfort and security. She enjoyed a promising career within Phoenix Industrial a megacorp specializing in cyberware development. Lucille's world fell apart when she uncovered her manager's involvement in pervasive corruption and exploitation of the less fortunate. Driven by a sense of moral duty, she attempted to expose the wrongdoing by reporting it internally. Her manager orchestrated a scheme to frame Lucille. Accused of embezzlement and implicated in activities she vehemently opposed, she found herself ostracized from society, her reputation tarnished beyond redemption. Cast adrift into the unforgiving underbelly of the city, Lucille now faces the harsh realities of survival, navigating the shadows and uncertainties of a world that once seemed so secure. In her quest for redemption and justice, she must learn to thrive in the gritty streets that teem with both danger and opportunity.
Status: Active
Rank: Cadet
Played by: Max Eggling

known associates

Aquaintence: Blake Grimes.
  Aquaintence: Dante Nightshade.

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