Unit 0 - intelligence and enforcment Organization in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Unit 0 - intelligence and enforcment


The Intelligence and Enforcement Unit 0, commonly known by its designation IE0, represents a specialized intelligence department operating under the jurisdiction of the military. Charged with safeguarding national security interests and combating internal and external threats, IE0 serves as a multifaceted force employing a diverse array of operatives skilled in a wide spectrum of techniques and disciplines.
Operatives within IE0 employ a broad spectrum of methodologies and tactics. From traditional investigative techniques to cutting-edge cyber warfare strategies, agents are equipped with the knowledge and expertise necessary to navigate complex geopolitical landscapes and combat evolving threats in the digital age.


Unit Cheif: Xavier Destreza

Active Agents

-Lucille Emberlink.
-Powder Crawford.
-Stacker Pentecost.
-Takashi Kuragan.
Government, Law Enforcement


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