Persephone Moreau Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Persephone Moreau


Team hacker and negotiator for Unit 0 


Persephone "Percy" Moreau, once a rising star in Hernandez Associates' program for Gifted Young Individuals, saw her career trajectory abruptly derail after being accused of hijacking valuable private information from a major client. Cast out by Hernandez Associates and shunned by the corporate world, Percy, now impoverished and disgraced, has transformed into a vigilante hacker, using her skills to expose corporate corruption and injustice. Determined to seek redemption and hold those responsible for her downfall accountable, Percy navigates the shadows of the corporate landscape, driven by a sense of righteous indignation and fueled by a desire to level the playing field in a world where power often trumps morality.
Status: Active
Rank: Cadet
Played by: Nina Radivoeva

known associates

Aquantence: Jupiter Savage.
Aquantence: Damien Winters.


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