Reznor Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Ex delinquent with a Robin Hood complex



Rezno's upbringing in the Fynnmere Slums shaped his early years, leading him down a path of juvenile delinquency. Spending a significant portion of his teenage years in prison, he emerged with a new identity as Reznor. Seeking stability, he found employment as a security guard at Hernandez Associates , a decision that ultimately led to his downfall. Disillusioned by the corporation's exploitation of the slums' water rights, Reznor took matters into his own hands by infiltrating their database and destroying the deed. This act of defiance earned him the ire of Hernandez Associates, resulting in his termination and a subsequent target painted on his back by the corporation.
Despite his troubled past, Reznor's street smarts and physical prowess caught the attention of Unit Chief Destreza, who recognized the value of his skills. Recruited into Unit 0, Reznor brings a unique perspective to the team, drawing from his experiences in the slums and his time as a security guard. His willingness to take risks and his ability to navigate dangerous situations make him a valuable asset, providing the team with an extra muscle when needed. As Reznor continues to evolve within Unit 0, he seeks redemption for his past actions while using his abilities to serve the greater good.
Status: Active
Rank: Cadet
Residence: Unknown
Played by: Yobi Livingston


Aquaintence: Raskalkin .
Aquaintence: Walco .


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