Walco Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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An old man who works at the docks


Old Man Walco has spent the better part of his life toiling away on the generators in the hazardous environment of the Helion Docks . Born and raised in the Fynnmere Slums , he knows firsthand the struggles of poverty and the toll it takes on the body. Years of exposure to toxic fumes in the docks have left him severely debilitated, resulting in the loss of his eyesight and significant damage to his respiratory system. Determined to continue his work despite his physical limitations, Old Man Walco has resorted to integrating cyberware into his body, though it often malfunctions and provides only minimal assistance. Despite his hardships, he remains a resilient and respected figure among the denizens of the slums, who affectionately refer to him as "gramps."
Status: Active
Afilliations: NA
Designation: Dock worker
Unit contact: Reznor


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