Helion Docks Settlement in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Helion Docks


once serving as the bustling hub of the city's docks. This district has since fallen into disrepair and abandonment, transforming into a hazardous and inhospitable environment unsuitable for conventional human habitation. Despite its dilapidated state, Helion Docks remains a focal point of clandestine activities, with various factions vying for control amidst the industrial wasteland.


Formerly a thriving center of maritime commerce, Helion Docks boasted bustling docks and bustling warehouses, facilitating the import and export of goods to and from Neo Beruris. However, as the city's economy shifted and industries evolved, the district gradually declined into obsolescence, with many of its facilities and infrastructure left abandoned and neglected.


Current State

Today, Helion Docks stands as a desolate and perilous landscape, characterized by vast zones of automated industrial machinery belching out harmful emissions and pollutants into the atmosphere. The district's inhospitable conditions render it uninhabitable for the majority of the city's population, with only a limited number of individuals necessary to operate the machinery residing within well-delineated habitable zones.


Black Economy

Despite its decrepit state, Helion Docks remains economically active, primarily driven by the operations of The Outer Ring , a notorious smuggling operation that utilizes the district's abandoned warehouses and facilities as logistical hubs for their illicit activities. Additionally, both the Cult of the Technossiah  and the Motorhead Yakuza  maintain a presence within the district, engaging in the acquisition and trade of machinery salvaged from the docks.


Security and Governance

With no official police presence in Helion Docks, the district operates as a lawless frontier where gangs and criminal syndicates hold sway. The city's law enforcement agencies have long since written off the area as abandoned, leaving its inhabitants to fend for themselves against the myriad dangers lurking within the industrial wasteland. Those who reside within the safe zones of Helion Docks often purchase protection from the gangs, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos.


Corporate Intrigue

Rumors abound regarding the involvement of corporations such as Arc International and Phoenix Industrial in Helion Docks, with whispers of off-the-books experiments and clandestine operations conducted within the district's abandoned warehouses and facilities. While these allegations remain unconfirmed, they serve to further deepen the sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the district's shadowy underbelly.