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Future Foundation

The Future Foundation is a beacon of innovation, humanitarian efforts, and interdimensional exploration. Founded by the original members of the Fantastic Four, the organization operates under a strict code of trust and excellence. The Foundation is led by a core group of visionary leaders, each bringing their unique expertise and commitment to the organization’s mission.  


  The Future Foundation is an illustrious organization, renowned for its cutting-edge scientific advancements, interdimensional explorations, and unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes. Born from the legacy of the Fantastic Four, the Foundation operates with a mission to push the boundaries of science and technology, ensuring the safety and prosperity of humanity while exploring new worlds and dimensions.   At the core of the Future Foundation is its highly competent and dedicated leadership, each member bringing their unique expertise and vision to the table. This cohesive unit ensures that the organization remains at the forefront of innovation and global impact, all while maintaining a strong ethical foundation and a focus on sustainability.  

Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)   As the visionary leader of the Future Foundation, Reed oversees all strategic decisions, scientific initiatives, and organizational direction. His unparalleled intellect and innovative thinking guide the Foundation’s mission to explore new dimensions and advance scientific knowledge.  
Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Director of Humanitarian Efforts
Sue Storm (Invisible Woman)   Sue manages the day-to-day operations of the Foundation, ensuring smooth execution of projects and initiatives. She also leads the organization’s humanitarian efforts, coordinating relief missions and public outreach programs to support communities in need.  
Chief Security Officer (CSO) and Head of Security Operations
Ben Grimm (The Thing)   Ben is responsible for the safety and security of the Foundation’s assets, personnel, and missions. His leadership in security operations ensures that all activities are conducted safely, protecting the organization from internal and external threats.  
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and Director of Quantum Mechanics
Valeria Richards   Valeria drives the Foundation’s scientific research, focusing on groundbreaking discoveries in quantum mechanics and other advanced fields. Her intellect and innovative approach are central to the Foundation’s reputation as a leader in scientific advancement.  
Chief Exploration Officer (CEO) and Director of Interdimensional Affairs
Franklin Richards   Franklin leads the Foundation’s efforts in space and interdimensional exploration. His work expands humanity’s understanding of the multiverse, pushing the boundaries of known science and opening new frontiers for discovery.  
Director of Energy Manipulation
Alex Power   Alex oversees the research and development of energy-related technologies and applications. His expertise ensures that the Foundation remains at the cutting edge of energy manipulation, driving innovation in sustainable energy solutions.  
Coordinator of Interdimensional Communications
Julie Power   Julie manages communication systems across dimensions, ensuring seamless information exchange between the Foundation’s teams on Earth-618 and Earth-816. Her coordination is vital to maintaining operational efficiency and collaboration.  
Director of Defensive Technologies
Dragon Man   Dragon Man leads the development of defensive technologies, creating systems and devices to protect the Foundation from various threats. His work is crucial in ensuring the safety of the organization’s missions and personnel.  
Tactical Advisor
Wyatt Wingfoot   Wyatt provides strategic advice and tactical planning for the Foundation’s operations. His experience and insight help guide the organization through complex situations, ensuring effective and efficient outcomes.  



Genesis of the Future Foundation (2005-2010)

In the aftermath of the Avengers' dissolution in 2005, the Fantastic Four began to pivot their focus towards intergalactic threats, aligning closely with S.W.O.R.D. and Nick Fury Jr. Their off-world missions grew in significance, cementing their reputation as protectors of not just Earth, but the cosmos at large. During this period, the Baxter Building became a bustling hub of scientific and interdimensional research, laying the groundwork for what would soon become the Future Foundation.  

The Adversarial Seed and Birth of the Temporal Bridge (2010-2012)

While the Fantastic Four were engaged in cosmic battles, Earth faced a dire threat from The Adversary, an entity seeking to manifest through the Celestial Seed. The Honorary Avengers, a team of disparate heroes, managed to thwart this disaster. It was during this tumultuous time that Sun-Bolt (Charlie Allen) created the temporal bridge, connecting Earth-618 to Earth-816, to save his brother from the clutches of Quintin Beck and Mister Weird. This event not only fortified interdimensional alliances but also marked the beginning of the Future Foundation's role in safeguarding multiple realities.  

Transition into the Corporate Age (2013-2020)

Following the exposure of global leaders as Hydra operatives, a massive power shift occurred. Governments were dismantled, giving rise to the Corporate Age. Corporations like Stark Tech Enterprises, Fisk Industries, and Alchemax began to dominate the geopolitical landscape. The Fantastic Four, adapting to these changes, rebranded as the Future Foundation, functioning as a corporate entity focused on technological innovation and vigilantism. The Baxter Building was retrofitted into an intergalactic gateway, becoming a focal point for interdimensional travel and research.  

The Red Serpent Rising (2027-2030)

The period known as the Red Serpent Rising saw Mephisto launching a brutal assault on America with his Six Year Army. Using Thunderbolt Ross as the avatar for his Devil Red-Hulk, Mephisto rallied allies such as Devil She-Hulk and Enigma. Despite the absence of the Future Foundation’s core team, heroes like Ghost Rider and Hulk led the charge against Mephisto, eventually repelling his forces. This event devastated large swathes of the country, prompting the Future Foundation to focus on recovery efforts and strengthening global defenses.  

Symbiote Invasion and the AI Outlaw (2037-2040)

In 2037, Knull led a symbiote invasion, targeting New York and seeking May Parker. The Future Foundation played a crucial role in defending the city, with assistance from Jet-Black and Nichols Industries. Their efforts culminated in the liberation of New York, but at a great cost. The aftermath saw the enactment of the AI Outlaw, a regulatory framework to prevent the misuse of AI, inspired by the controversial nanochip solution deployed during the invasion.  

Sacrifice and Transformation of Johnny Storm (2041)

The year 2041 marked a tragic yet pivotal moment in the Foundation’s history. Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, was presumed dead following a sacrificial act during a mission involving the Annihilation Wave. This event was kept under wraps, leading to widespread speculation about Johnny's fate as he vanished from public view.  
Show spoiler
In reality, Johnny was undergoing a profound metamorphosis, evolving into a new cosmic entity, disconnected from his past life but destined for a greater role in the cosmos.

Rise of a New Era (2041-Present)

With Johnny Storm’s fate a mystery, the Future Foundation pressed on. They solidified their position on The New York City Council, influencing urban policy and development. Their alliances with major corporations like Stark Tech Enterprises, Fisk Industries, and Alchemax continued to flourish, driving innovation and economic growth. The establishment of their satellite base orbiting the Moon of Earth-618 further showcased their readiness to face any planetary threat and their commitment to interstellar exploration.   The Foundation’s organizational structure evolved, bringing in trusted individuals such as Valeria and Franklin Richards, Alex and Julie Power, and Dragon Man. Each member’s expertise contributed to the Foundation’s overarching goals of scientific advancement, interdimensional exploration, and humanitarian aid. Their endeavors, from quantum computing to sustainable energy solutions, cemented their legacy as pioneers of the future.  


  The Future Foundation operates from several key locations, each equipped with advanced technologies and serving distinct purposes:  
Baxter Building (New York City, Earth-618)
  • Function: The main headquarters and a hub for scientific research and interdimensional travel.
  • Features:
    • An intergalactic gateway connected to the temporal bridge between Earth-618 and Earth-816.
    • Advanced laboratories for cutting-edge research.
    • High-security systems to protect sensitive projects and personnel.
    • Public spaces for educational programs and community engagement.
Satellite Base (Orbiting the Moon of Earth-618)
  • Function: A remote base prepared for emergency evacuation and colonization missions.
  • Features:
    • Colonization capabilities for establishing a new human settlement if necessary.
    • Observation equipment for monitoring cosmic activities and potential threats.
    • Emergency preparedness systems for rapid response to world-destroying events.
    • Long-term habitation modules for staff and their families.
Ground-Based Headquarters
  • Locations: Earth-618 and a remote location on Earth-816.
  • Function: Backup operations and additional research facilities.
  • Features:
    • Ensuring operational continuity in case of disruptions.
    • Training centers for personnel readiness.
    • Communications hubs to maintain contact with all facilities.

Influence and Reach

The Future Foundation’s influence extends far beyond its physical locations, impacting both Earth-618 and the broader multiverse. The organization is a powerhouse in scientific innovation, humanitarian efforts, and interdimensional exploration. Its decisions and actions have significant ramifications on global and cosmic scales, making it a key player in various sectors:  
  1. Scientific Community: The Foundation’s breakthroughs in quantum mechanics, energy manipulation, and interdimensional travel set the standard for global scientific research. Their innovations often lead to new technologies and methodologies adopted worldwide.
  3. Government and Policy: The Foundation holds a seat on the New York City Council, influencing urban governance and policy decisions. Their expertise in science and technology guides the development of regulations and initiatives aimed at improving city infrastructure and public welfare.
  5. Corporate Partnerships: The Future Foundation collaborates with major corporations, including Stark Tech Enterprises, Fisk Industries, Alchemax, Roxxon, Monarch Corporation, Nichols Industries, Rand Corporation, and Worthington Industries. These partnerships foster joint ventures in research and development, leading to advancements that benefit both the private sector and the public.
  7. Global and Interdimensional Allies: The Foundation’s reach extends to alliances with various organizations and entities across the multiverse. Their operations are coordinated with other interdimensional travelers and protectors, ensuring a united front against cosmic threats.

Allegiances and Influences

The Future Foundation’s actions and decisions are influenced by and, in turn, influence several key entities:  
  1. Stark Tech Enterprises: A close collaborator, Stark Tech benefits from and contributes to the Foundation’s technological advancements. The development of aTONi, an AI carrying Tony Stark’s consciousness, is a testament to their joint efforts.
  3. Fisk Industries: Despite its notorious reputation, Fisk Industries aligns with the Foundation on certain technological and urban development projects, leveraging their combined resources for mutual benefit.
  5. Alchemax and Roxxon: These corporations work with the Foundation on various scientific and environmental initiatives, contributing to sustainable technology and energy solutions.
  7. Monarch Corporation, Nichols Industries, Rand Corporation, and Worthington Industries: Though no longer in active partnership, these companies have historically collaborated with the Foundation on significant projects, including The Symbiote Invasion defense and environmental sustainability programs.
Influence on Decisions
  1. New York City Council: As a member, the Future Foundation plays a crucial role in shaping policies that impact millions of residents. Their decisions influence urban development, security measures, and technological implementations.
  3. Global Policies: Through their innovations and humanitarian efforts, the Foundation influences international policies on science, technology, and environmental protection. Their work often serves as a model for global initiatives.
  5. Interdimensional Diplomacy: The Foundation’s expertise in interdimensional travel and relations ensures that Earth-618 remains a respected and influential player in the multiverse. Their diplomatic efforts help prevent conflicts and foster cooperation across different dimensions.
  The Future Foundation of Earth-618, with its extensive reach and powerful alliances, stands as a pillar of progress and protection. Through its strategic partnerships and groundbreaking work, the organization continues to shape the future of humanity and the multiverse, ensuring a legacy of innovation, safety, and prosperity.  


  The Future Foundation is renowned for producing, manufacturing, and providing cutting-edge technologies and solutions that span various sectors, significantly impacting both the consumer market and specialized industries. Their innovations are designed to push the boundaries of what is possible, often setting new standards in technology, energy, and environmental sustainability.  
Key Products and Services
  1. Advanced Technologies:  
    • Quantum Computing Devices: Leveraging their research in quantum mechanics, the Foundation offers powerful quantum computing solutions that outperform traditional computers in processing speed and problem-solving capabilities.
    • Interdimensional Communication Systems: These devices facilitate seamless communication across different dimensions, ensuring real-time connectivity for interdimensional travelers and organizations.
  3. Energy Solutions:  
    • Sustainable Energy Sources: The Foundation develops and markets advanced energy manipulation technologies, providing clean and sustainable power solutions to consumers and industries.
    • Energy Storage Systems: High-capacity energy storage units that enhance efficiency and reliability for both residential and commercial use.
  5. Medical and Biotechnology:  
    • Advanced Medical Devices: Cutting-edge medical equipment and diagnostic tools that improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare processes.
    • Biotechnological Innovations: Breakthroughs in genetic research and biotechnology that offer new treatments and enhance human capabilities.
  7. Security and Defense:  
    • Defensive Technologies: State-of-the-art security systems and defensive technologies designed to protect against various threats, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.
    • Personal and Corporate Security Solutions: Tailored security measures for individuals and businesses, ensuring comprehensive protection in an increasingly complex world.
  9. Consumer Products:  
    • Smart Devices: Innovative consumer electronics that integrate advanced technologies for enhanced functionality and user experience.
    • Home Automation Systems: Intelligent home systems that optimize energy use, improve security, and offer convenience through automation.

Profit Model

The Future Foundation operates primarily as a private entity, with a hybrid model that includes both profit-driven and non-profit initiatives. Over time, they have taken on investors to support their expansive and ambitious projects, leading to the establishment of a Board of Directors. This ensures that the organization can sustain its operations, fund its research, and expand its influence while maintaining its core mission of scientific advancement and humanitarian aid.  
Revenue Streams
  1. Product Sales: The Foundation generates significant revenue from the sale of its advanced technologies, medical devices, energy solutions, and consumer products. These products are highly sought after for their innovative features and reliability.
  3. Licensing and Patents: Licensing their patented technologies to other companies provides a steady stream of income. This allows other businesses to integrate cutting-edge innovations into their products, further extending the Foundation’s influence.
  5. Research and Development Contracts: The Foundation enters into R&D contracts with governments, corporations, and other organizations, leveraging their expertise to tackle specific scientific and technological challenges. These contracts are lucrative and help fund ongoing research projects.
  7. Consulting Services: Offering consulting services to businesses and governments, the Foundation provides expert advice on technology implementation, energy solutions, and security measures. These services are valued for their depth of knowledge and practical applications.
  9. Investments and Joint Ventures: Strategic investments in emerging technologies and joint ventures with other corporations expand the Foundation’s financial base and open new avenues for innovation. These partnerships often lead to profitable outcomes and shared advancements.
  11. Grants and Donations: As part of their non-profit initiatives, the Foundation receives grants and donations from philanthropic organizations, governing agencies, and private benefactors. These funds support their humanitarian efforts and educational programs.
  The Future Foundation stands as a beacon of innovation and progress, contributing significantly to various economic markets through their advanced products and services. By balancing profit-driven initiatives with non-profit missions, they sustain their operations and continue to push the boundaries of science and technology. Their strategic partnerships and diverse revenue streams ensure that the Foundation remains at the forefront of global and interdimensional advancements, securing a prosperous future for humanity and beyond.


The Future Foundation operates under the visionary leadership of Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) as CEO, supported by Sue Storm (Invisible Woman) as COO, and Ben Grimm (The Thing) as CSO. Valeria Richards, the Chief Scientific Officer, spearheads the organization's research initiatives, while Franklin Richards, as the Chief Exploration Officer, drives their space and interdimensional missions. Key roles are filled by directors such as Alex Power for Energy Manipulation and Julie Power for Interdimensional Communications, ensuring a cohesive and innovative approach to their scientific and exploratory endeavors.   Security and defense are paramount, with Ben Grimm's leadership bolstered by Dragon Man and Wyatt Wingfoot. Sue Storm also oversees humanitarian efforts and public relations, reflecting the Foundation's commitment to transparency, education, and global outreach. This structured framework enables the Future Foundation to pursue groundbreaking scientific advancements, explore new dimensions, and maintain a strong humanitarian and environmental focus, positioning them as a guardian of progress and protection for Earth-618 and beyond.  
Executive Leadership
  Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) Chief Operations Officer (COO): Sue Storm (Invisible Woman) Chief Security Officer (CSO): Ben Grimm (The Thing) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO): Valeria Richards Chief Exploration Officer (CEO): Franklin Richards  
Research and Development
  Director of Quantum Mechanics: Valeria Richards Director of Energy Manipulation: Alex Power Director of Bioengineering: Open Position  
Interdimensional and Space Exploration
  Director of Interdimensional Affairs: Franklin Richards Director of Space Missions: Open Position Coordinator of Interdimensional Communications: Julie Power  
Humanitarian and Environmental Initiatives
  Director of Humanitarian Efforts: Sue Storm Director of Environmental Sustainability: Open Position  
Security and Defense
  Head of Security Operations: Ben Grimm Director of Defensive Technologies: Dragon Man Tactical Advisor: Wyatt Wingfoot  
Education and Outreach
  Director of Public Relations: Sue Storm Head of Educational Programs: Open Position


The Future Foundation thrives on a culture of innovation, integrity, and collaboration. Teamwork is at the heart of their operations, with a flexible and inclusive work environment that values the contributions of all its members. Creative thinking is encouraged, and the resources for groundbreaking research are always at hand.   Their mission statement, "To advance the frontiers of science and technology, ensure the safety and well-being of humanity, and explore new dimensions and worlds for the betterment of all," guides every endeavor they undertake. The Future Foundation is dedicated to scientific innovation, humanitarian aid, environmental protection, public education, and interdimensional exploration.

Public Agenda

The Future Foundation's public agenda focuses on leveraging their advanced research and technology to benefit society. They are committed to developing new technologies and scientific breakthroughs, providing humanitarian aid, and implementing sustainable practices to protect and restore the environment. Public education programs are designed to inspire and educate the next generation of scientists and innovators. Interdimensional exploration remains a key focus, expanding humanity's knowledge and presence in the multiverse through safe and ethical means.   The organization remains vigilant against multiversal threats, constantly refining their strategies and protocols to safeguard Earth-618. With Miles Morales and Genki's arrival, the Future Foundation has gained invaluable insights into multiversal dynamics, ensuring they are prepared for any potential incursions.   The Future Foundation stands as a guardian of progress and protection, tirelessly working towards a better future for all. Through their pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication, they lead humanity into new realms of possibility, always ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.


  Baxter Building (New York City, Earth-618): Intergalactic Gateway: Temporal bridge connecting Earth-618 and Earth-816. Advanced Laboratories: Facilities for cutting-edge research and development. High-Security Systems: Ensuring the safety and integrity of operations. Public Spaces: Areas for public engagement and educational programs.  
Satellite Base
  Location: Orbiting the Moon of Earth-618. Colonization Capabilities: Equipped for potential colonization missions. Observation Equipment: Monitoring cosmic activities and threats. Emergency Preparedness: Rapid evacuation and relocation systems. Habitation Modules: Long-term living quarters for staff.  
Ground-Based Headquarters
  Locations: Earth-618 and a remote location on Earth-816. Backup Systems: Ensuring operational continuity. Training Centers: For personnel readiness. Communications Hubs: Maintaining contact with all facilities.  
Technology and Equipment
  Reality Anchors: Devices to stabilize the fabric of reality in the event of an incursion. Cosmic Beacon Network: Sensors deployed to detect dimensional anomalies. Advanced Vehicles: Including space-worthy craft and interdimensional transports. Research Tools: State-of-the-art equipment for scientific exploration and development.  
  Elite Team: Comprised of trusted individuals with specialized skills and abilities. Support Staff: Scientists, engineers, security personnel, and administrative staff. Collaborators: Partnerships with other organizations and cosmic entities.

"To advance the frontiers of science and technology, ensure the safety and well-being of humanity, and explore new dimensions and worlds for the betterment of all,"

Corporation, Conglomerate
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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