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Mr. Warin Voght (Warren V-uh-kh-t)

Warin Jakob Voght

Mr. Warin Voght is a remarkable individual whose life spans a complex journey from his human beginnings to his current existence as a robotic entity. Born in Berlin and raised in tumultuous times, he demonstrated exceptional brilliance early on. His academic achievements led him to become a Hydra scientist, unwittingly contributing to the organization's nefarious plans, including intergalactic communications and multiverse manipulation.   His encounter with the Honorary Avengers in 2022 marked a turning point. Assisting them in thwarting Red Skull's schemes, he eventually reformed, finding a new purpose as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. Transformed into a robotic form, Mr. Voght's intellect and quest for knowledge remain steadfast, despite the changes.   His robotic frame houses his brain, eyes, and optical nerves, granting him unique capabilities and enhanced longevity. Speaking with a blend of a German accent and synthesized speech, his communication is a fusion of his past and present. His conversations are marked by measured tones, complex scientific vocabulary, and a commitment to understanding the intricacies of the universe.   Mr. Voght's intellectual prowess is undeniable, as he continues to explore the mysteries of the multiverse and contribute to the education of the next generation. His hobbies, likes, and dislikes reflect his multifaceted personality, while his motivations stem from an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of truth.   A complex blend of human history and technological evolution, Mr. Warin Voght is a living embodiment of resilience, transformation, and a boundless intellectual spirit. His presence enriches the Earth-618 universe, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to cross paths with him.  



Early Life and Education (Born to World War)

Warin Voght was born on March 13th in the tumultuous city of Berlin, Germany. His childhood was marked by the chaos of World War II, as his parents were scientists and educators working at the University of Poznań. Despite the upheaval, Warin's parents nurtured his intellectual curiosity, fostering a love for science and learning. His early exposure to scientific concepts ignited a spark within him, setting the stage for his future endeavors.  

The Hydra Connection (Graduation and Recruitment)

After graduating summa cum laude from Reichsuniversität Posen with degrees in Mathematical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, and Science and Aviation, Warin Voght's brilliance caught the attention of Hydra. The malevolent organization recruited him into their ranks, tasking him with developing intergalactic communication technology. Unbeknownst to Warin, his research was manipulated by the Red Skull to serve Hydra's sinister purposes.  

Unveiling the Multiverse (Discovery and The Adversary)

Warin's scientific pursuits led to a pivotal discovery – the existence of the multiverse. His research was instrumental in establishing connections between different galaxies, which Hydra exploited for their own gain. In 1964, the revelation of the multiverse's existence brought him face to face with The Adversary, an event that would forever alter his perspective and redefine his ambitions.  

The Perils of Multiverse (Research and Exploitation)

Warin dedicated himself to perfecting multiversal travel, a pursuit that consumed him for years. Hydra's alliance with The Adversary and the Nihilist Complex culminated in the exploitation of multiversal lay lines, allowing them to extract technology from alternate realities. As Hydra's scientific mastermind, Warin's contributions played a pivotal role in these endeavors, shaping the organization's capabilities and ambitions.  

Death and Rebirth (Hydra's Decline and Transformation)

In 1986, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations brought Hydra's activities to light, resulting in a confrontation at their Bavarian base. During the assault, Warin Voght met his apparent demise as a building collapsed, but his brilliant mind was salvaged by Hydra. His brain, eyes, and optical nerves were transplanted into a robotic frame, a temporary solution that prolonged his existence.  

Reframing the Future (Reformation and Redemption)

Surviving his encounter with S.H.I.E.L.D., Warin reformed his perspective. Recognizing the dire consequences of his actions, he sought redemption by using his knowledge to educate future generations. Joining the faculty of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted in 2022, he became a science teacher, striving to inspire young minds and guide them towards ethical paths of discovery.  

Present and Beyond (Teaching and Quest for Knowledge)

As of the current year, 2042, Mr. Warin Voght continues his tenure as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. His life's journey, from Hydra scientist to reformed educator, showcases his resilience and transformation. With his unique perspective on the multiverse and unwavering commitment to understanding its mysteries, he enriches the lives of his students and remains a beacon of intellectual curiosity in Earth-618.   Through each chapter of his life, Warin Voght's story is a testament to the power of redemption, the complexities of scientific exploration, and the enduring quest for knowledge that transcends time and circumstance.  


  Mr. Warin Voght possesses a personality defined by the dualities of his past and present, embodying both the brilliance of a once-loyal Hydra scientist and the transformative wisdom of a reformed educator. In his interactions, his demeanor is a blend of calculated intellect and earnest humility, reflecting the journey he has undertaken.   At the core of his personality is an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Warin's mind is a repository of scientific understanding spanning galaxies and dimensions, a testament to his years spent in the service of Hydra. His passion for unraveling the mysteries of the multiverse remains undiminished, although his pursuits have taken a more ethical trajectory.   Despite his remarkable intellect, Warin's humility is palpable. He acknowledges the mistakes of his past and is determined to atone for them. This humility infuses his teaching style, as he approaches his students with patience, empathy, and an eagerness to guide their growth. His role as a science teacher is not just about imparting information but nurturing curiosity and fostering ethical reasoning.   There's a gentle warmth to his interactions, as he encourages his students to question, explore, and think critically. His transformation from a Hydra scientist to an advocate for responsible discovery is a testament to his capacity for change and growth. As a result, he values ethical principles above all, seeking to instill in his students a sense of responsibility in the pursuit of knowledge.   Warin's past, however, has not left him entirely. Lingering shadows of his Hydra affiliation occasionally cast a somber tone over his conversations, reminding him of the ethical boundaries he once crossed. Yet, his determination to use his expertise for good is unwavering. His guidance and mentorship extend beyond the classroom, serving as an example of redemption to those who seek to better themselves.   His interactions with colleagues reflect his complex persona. His relationship with the faculty is marked by cautious camaraderie, tinged with a reminder of his past. While not entirely gregarious, Warin's intellectual exchanges with his peers are rich and insightful, grounded in a shared dedication to education and responsible research.   In the tapestry of Earth-618, Mr. Warin Voght stands as a testament to the transformative power of education, the resilience of the human spirit, and the journey from darkness to light. His personality, an intricate blend of brilliance, humility, and redemption, resonates with those he encounters, leaving a lasting impact on his students and the world around him.  


  1. Colleagues at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted: Despite his occasional isolationist tendencies, Mr. Voght finds a sense of camaraderie among his fellow educators at the academy. While he may not always see eye to eye with them, he respects their dedication to shaping young minds.
  3. Former Hydra Associates: Although his past with Hydra is fraught with ethical dilemmas, there are individuals he once collaborated with. He maintains distant ties to some of them, acknowledging the shared history they can never fully escape.
  5. Honorary Avengers: The Honorary Avengers hold a special place in Mr. Voght's heart. Their encounter at Hydra's Bavarian Base marked a turning point in his life. He deeply values the friendships and alliances formed during that time, especially with those who helped him transition to a life of education and redemption.
  7. His Students: Mr. Voght's greatest source of fulfillment comes from his interactions with his students. He finds value in nurturing young minds, helping them explore the wonders of science while emphasizing ethical responsibility. The bonds he forms with his students are grounded in mentorship and guidance.
  9. Warin's Inner Circle: Beyond his professional relationships, Warin maintains a small, trusted circle of friends who have stood by him through his transformation. These friends have seen both his triumphs and failures and offer a supportive network for him to lean on.
  11. Academic Mentors and Influences: Throughout his scientific journey, Warin has encountered mentors and influences who shaped his approach to knowledge and ethics. He holds a deep respect for these figures, drawing inspiration from their wisdom as he imparts lessons to his own students.
  13. Individuals Seeking Redemption: Warin's journey from Hydra scientist to reformed educator serves as an example for those who have made mistakes in the past and seek a path of redemption. He finds value in connecting with these individuals, sharing his own experience and offering guidance on the path to change.
  15. Entities Interested in Multiversal Exploration: Despite the ethical implications, Warin's expertise in multiversal exploration attracts the attention of individuals and organizations intrigued by the possibilities of traversing alternate realities. While he is cautious in his interactions, he is willing to engage in discussions about the responsible use of such technology.
  17. Entities Interested in Atonement: Warin's journey of redemption resonates with entities seeking to rectify past wrongs. Those who are drawn to stories of transformation and second chances find value in connecting with him, as he embodies the capacity for change and growth.
  19. Individuals Interested in Ethical Science: Warin's advocacy for ethical science and responsible research attracts the attention of individuals who share his principles. Collaborations and conversations with those who prioritize the well-being of society and the environment are particularly meaningful to him.
  21. Entities Interested in Multiversal Defense: Warin's past experience with multiversal exploration and his knowledge of the interconnectivity of realities make him a valuable asset to those interested in defending the multiverse from threats. He engages with entities who are committed to preserving the balance between dimensions.
  In the complex tapestry of relationships within Earth-618, Mr. Warin Voght's connections reflect his evolution from a Hydra scientist to a beacon of redemption and education. His relationships span different realms of morality, knowledge, and camaraderie, contributing to the rich narrative and character interactions of the campaign.  




  1. Scientific Brilliance: Mr. Voght's extensive scientific knowledge and analytical prowess are his greatest assets. He excels in various fields of study, including physics, astronomy, mathematics, and interdimensional research. His ability to approach complex problems with a logical and methodical mindset allows him to unravel mysteries and devise innovative solutions.
  3. Multiversal Expertise: His past involvement with Hydra's multiversal exploration program has granted him a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of alternate realities. He possesses knowledge about the existence of different dimensions, lay lines, and the potential for travel between universes.
  5. Technological Proficiency: Mr. Voght's experience with advanced technology, both in his pre- and post-robotic form, has honed his skills in working with intricate machinery and systems. He can navigate and manipulate advanced devices, allowing him to contribute to scientific advancements and technological innovations.
  7. Educational Guidance: As a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Mr. Voght excels in imparting knowledge to his students. His ability to break down complex concepts into understandable terms and foster curiosity helps nurture the scientific minds of the next generation.
  9. Ethical Advocacy: Having turned away from Hydra's unethical practices, Mr. Voght possesses a strong sense of moral responsibility. He advocates for the ethical use of science, emphasizing the importance of considering the potential consequences of research and technological advancements.
  11. Multiversal Communications: His work on interdimensional communication and transmission technologies has equipped him with the ability to establish and maintain communication links between different realities. This skill proves invaluable when interacting with beings from alternate universes.
  13. Problem-Solving Skills: Mr. Voght's logical thinking and systematic approach to challenges enable him to excel in problem-solving situations. Whether it's a scientific puzzle, an ethical dilemma, or a crisis requiring quick decisions, his ability to assess situations from different angles contributes to effective solutions.
  15. Resilience and Adaptability: The transformation of his consciousness into a robotic form has endowed him with a unique perspective on existence. His ability to adapt to this new form and continue pursuing his passions despite the challenges showcases his resilience and determination.
  17. Research Acumen: Mr. Voght's experience as a scientist has honed his research skills, allowing him to gather information, analyze data, and draw insightful conclusions. His dedication to expanding his knowledge base contributes to his role as both a teacher and a scholar.
  19. Interpersonal Insight: Over the years, Mr. Voght has developed a keen understanding of human behavior and motivations. His ability to read people and gauge their intentions aids him in navigating social interactions and making informed decisions.
  While Mr. Voght may lack traditional superhuman abilities, his intellect, expertise, and personal growth make him a formidable and valuable presence. His unique blend of scientific knowledge, multiversal insights, and ethical principles contribute to his role as a mentor, collaborator, and advocate for responsible exploration and discovery.  


  1. Multiversal Communicator Device: Mr. Voght possesses a sophisticated device capable of establishing and maintaining communication links between different realities. This device is a testament to his expertise in interdimensional communications and allows him to interact with beings from alternate universes.
  3. Scientific Tools and Instruments: As a scientist and teacher, Mr. Voght is equipped with an array of advanced scientific tools and instruments. These include data analyzers, energy scanners, and specialized devices that aid in his research and experimental work.
  5. Personal Data Repository: To ensure that his vast knowledge is easily accessible, Mr. Voght has a personal data repository that stores detailed information about various scientific topics, multiversal phenomena, and technological advancements. This repository aids him in providing accurate and relevant information to his students and colleagues.
  7. Holoprojector Device: Mr. Voght possesses a holographic projector that he uses to visualize complex scientific concepts and theories. This device helps him explain intricate ideas in a more comprehensible manner, making it an effective teaching tool.
  9. Advanced Robotic Maintenance Tools: Given his unique robotic form, Mr. Voght carries a set of specialized tools designed for the maintenance and upkeep of his robotic body. These tools enable him to perform repairs, upgrades, and adjustments as needed.
  11. Multiverse Mapping Device: A compact device that Mr. Voght developed to map and visualize the layout of different realities within the multiverse. This tool assists him in navigating and understanding the connections between alternate universes.
  13. Ethical Guidelines Document: Reflecting his commitment to ethical conduct in scientific research, Mr. Voght possesses a document outlining his personal guidelines for responsible experimentation and discovery. This serves as a reminder of his dedication to ethical principles.
  15. Personal Journal and Research Notes: Mr. Voght maintains a detailed journal and research notes documenting his observations, hypotheses, and insights. These records chronicle his ongoing journey of discovery and serve as a valuable resource for future endeavors.
  17. Multiversal Translation Device: A device capable of translating various languages and dialects from different realities. This tool aids Mr. Voght in communicating with beings from alternate universes during his multiversal interactions.
  19. Holochart of Multiversal Connections: A holographic chart that visually represents the connections between different realities within the multiverse. This chart helps Mr. Voght conceptualize and analyze the complex interplay of alternate universes.
  These paraphernalia items reflect Mr. Voght's dedication to scientific exploration, ethical conduct, and responsible use of his expertise. Each item serves a specific purpose in enhancing his contributions to research, education, and the advancement of knowledge across various dimensions.  


  Mr. Warin Voght's journey from a Hydra scientist to a reformed individual with a passion for education is a noteworthy transformation that underscores the theme of redemption and personal growth in the Marvel Multiverse RPG campaign. His expertise in multiversal communication and exploration adds depth to the narrative, enabling interactions with alternate realities and opening doors to exciting plot developments. Additionally, his unique robotic form, acquired knowledge, and commitment to ethical scientific conduct make him an invaluable asset to the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, offering students and colleagues a wealth of insight into advanced technology, interdimensional phenomena, and responsible research practices.   Mr. Voght's interactions with the Honorary Avengers provide opportunities for dynamic storytelling, especially considering his previous ties to Hydra and his involvement in critical events that have shaped the campaign's timeline. His ability to contribute to the understanding of the multiverse and his role as a science teacher allow for engaging plotlines that bridge both educational and action-packed scenarios. His slightly enigmatic and reclusive demeanor, coupled with his German accent and robotic speech, adds layers to his character, making interactions with him intriguing and memorable.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mr. Warin Voght's general physical condition is a testament to his unique and unconventional existence. Having undergone a transformation that transcends traditional human limitations, his current state is a fusion of human intellect and robotic machinery.   His primary form is that of a bipedal robotic shell, carefully designed to house his brain, eyes, and optic nerves. The semi-spherical container that encases his brain serves as a secure environment to sustain his life indefinitely. This robotic frame stands at a height of 5'3" and weighs 240 lbs., reflecting a compact yet substantial presence.   The dark grey color of his robotic exterior, resembling a sophisticated alloy, is a stark contrast to his original human form. His eyes, once human, have been replaced with a distinct yellow hue that emits a subtle glow, lending him a futuristic and almost ethereal appearance.   While his robotic frame lacks traditional human features like hair and skin, the absence of these elements is compensated by the intricacies of his technological design. His mobility is enhanced by two fully functional arms and legs, providing him with both versatility and stability. Notably, the section housing his brain container allows him to rotate his vision 360 degrees, affording him a remarkable field of view.   This amalgamation of human consciousness and robotic ingenuity presents a fascinating and unconventional physical condition. Mr. Warin Voght's existence is a testament to the potential for evolution and adaptation beyond traditional boundaries, allowing him to continue his pursuits, both as a science teacher and a unique being shaped by the intricate interplay of science and humanity.

Identifying Characteristics

Mr. Warin Voght's identifying features are a testament to both his past as a Hydra scientist and his current role as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. His robotic form is characterized by several distinctive traits that set him apart in a crowd:  
  1. Bipedal Robotic Shell: His unique appearance is defined by the semi-spherical robotic container that houses his brain, eyes, and optic nerves. This container is a remarkable fusion of advanced technology and ingenuity, designed to preserve his intellect and knowledge.
  3. Yellow Optical Sensors: His eyes, now transformed into yellow optical sensors, add a touch of otherworldly presence to his appearance. These sensors serve as his means of visual perception, allowing him to observe his surroundings and interact with the world.
  5. Rotatable Head Section: One of his most notable features is the section housing his brain container, which is capable of rotating his vision a full 360 degrees. This aspect showcases the advanced capabilities of his robotic design, allowing him a comprehensive awareness of his surroundings.
  7. Dark Grey Robotic Exterior: His outer shell is colored in a dark grey hue, lending him a distinct and somewhat metallic appearance. This robotic exterior is not only a testament to the technology that sustains his existence but also a reflection of his reformed identity.
  9. Modified Voice and Accent: When he speaks, his words are replicated through robotics and electronics, creating a distinct voice that carries a slight German accent. This unique vocalization reflects his origins while showcasing his adaptation to his new form.
  These identifying features collectively embody Mr. Voght's evolution from a past associated with Hydra's scientific pursuits to his current role as a science teacher. His appearance serves as a visual representation of his transformation, reminding those around him of the journey he has undertaken.

Apparel & Accessories

Mr. Warin Voght's apparel is a blend of practicality and professionalism, reflecting his role as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. While his robotic form doesn't require traditional clothing, he does wear accessories that are both functional and symbolic:  
  1. Scientific Lab Coat: As a science teacher, Mr. Voght often dons a pristine white lab coat. This lab coat serves both practical and symbolic purposes, representing his dedication to education and scientific exploration. The coat is adorned with pockets that hold various tools and devices he might need for his teaching activities.
  3. Hydra Logo Pin: Despite his transformation and reformation, Mr. Voght retains a small Hydra logo pin on the lapel of his lab coat. This subtle accessory serves as a reminder of his past and the journey he has undertaken to reform and use his knowledge for positive purposes.
  5. Biometric Keycard: Like other faculty members of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Mr. Voght possesses a biometric keycard that grants him access to the academy's facilities. This keycard is a practical necessity, allowing him to move freely within the academy while ensuring security measures are upheld.
  7. Personalized Glasses: Even though his robotic form doesn't have human eyes, Mr. Voght sometimes wears a pair of personalized glasses. These glasses are more of a symbolic accessory, representing his connection to his human past and his dedication to teaching and learning.
  9. Symbolic Jewelry: While not exactly jewelry in the conventional sense, Mr. Voght's unique form itself is a symbolic accessory. The semi-spherical container that houses his brain, eyes, and optic nerves is a defining feature that showcases his transformation and the preservation of his intellect.
  Mr. Voght's choice of apparel and accessories aligns with his role as a science educator, demonstrating his commitment to fostering scientific curiosity and knowledge among the students at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

  1. Scientific Brilliance: Mr. Voght's background as a former Hydra scientist and his subsequent role as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted highlight his exceptional scientific acumen. His understanding of various scientific disciplines, theories, and applications is extensive, allowing him to provide students with in-depth insights into the world of science.
  3. Multiversal Expertise: Mr. Voght's research into intergalactic communication and multiversal travel has granted him a deep understanding of the complexities of different realities and timelines. His pioneering work in multiversal concepts and connections has had a profound impact on both Hydra's exploits and the wider Marvel Multiverse.
  5. Technological Proficiency: His integration into a robotic frame has further enhanced his technological prowess. Mr. Voght's ability to manipulate and enhance technology enables him to offer students valuable insights into the practical applications of advanced technology.
  7. Analytical Thinking: Mr. Voght's scientific background has honed his analytical thinking skills. He excels at breaking down complex problems, dissecting data, and drawing logical conclusions. These skills are not only crucial for scientific research but also for guiding students in their own analytical pursuits.
  9. Adaptability and Innovation: His transformation into a robotic form has required him to adapt to new circumstances and explore innovative solutions. This adaptability is reflected in his teaching approach, where he seeks creative ways to engage students and promote critical thinking.
  11. Curiosity and Learning: Despite his vast knowledge, Mr. Voght maintains a deep curiosity about the world around him. His thirst for knowledge is infectious, encouraging students to approach learning with a similar sense of wonder.
  13. Multidisciplinary Understanding: Mr. Voght's educational background in Mathematical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, and Science and Aviation has provided him with a multidisciplinary perspective. This allows him to bridge gaps between different scientific fields and encourage cross-disciplinary thinking.
  15. Teaching Pedagogy: As a teacher, Mr. Voght possesses the intellectual characteristic of effective pedagogy. He knows how to convey complex scientific concepts in a way that resonates with students, fostering their interest and understanding.
  17. Problem-Solving Skills: His experience in research and experimentation has cultivated strong problem-solving skills. He encourages students to approach challenges methodically, emphasizing the importance of trial and error in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.
  19. Ethical Consideration: Mr. Voght's transformation and reformation have given him a unique perspective on ethical considerations in science. He encourages students to explore the ethical dimensions of their work, promoting responsible scientific exploration.
  Overall, Mr. Voght's intellectual characteristics encompass his scientific expertise, adaptability, pedagogical skills, and a commitment to instilling a sense of wonder and curiosity in his students.

Personality Characteristics


Mr. Warin Voght's motivation is driven by a combination of redemption, curiosity, and a desire to safeguard the multiverse from the mistakes of his past. After his involvement with Hydra and the creation of technology that could manipulate the fabric of reality, he became acutely aware of the potential harm his knowledge could cause. Stricken with guilt over the unintended consequences of his actions, he now seeks to rectify his mistakes and ensure that his research is used for the betterment of the multiverse rather than its detriment.   His insatiable curiosity pushes him to explore the complexities of the multiverse, understand its interconnected nature, and discover ways to harness its power responsibly. He's determined to unlock the secrets of the various realities, comprehend the nuances of interdimensional travel, and prevent the misuse of such knowledge.   Furthermore, Mr. Voght is motivated by a profound desire to protect Earth-618 and all other realities from the malevolent forces that threaten their existence. Having witnessed the destructive potential of Hydra and The Adversary, he is committed to preventing similar catastrophic events from occurring again. He feels a personal responsibility to safeguard the multiverse's stability and to prevent further manipulation of its delicate balance.   Mr. Voght's motivations intertwine with his role as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. He sees his role as an opportunity to shape the next generation of minds, instilling scientific curiosity, critical thinking, and ethical responsibility in his students. By guiding young minds, he hopes to inspire a new wave of thinkers who can harness the power of science and exploration for the greater good.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  1. Multiversal Understanding: As a former Hydra scientist tasked with studying the multiverse, Mr. Voght possesses an unparalleled understanding of the intricacies of interdimensional travel, alternate realities, and the fundamental principles that govern them. His expertise in this area allows him to navigate and comprehend the complexities of the multiverse, making him a valuable resource for the Honorary Avengers.
  3. Scientific Genius: Mr. Voght's intelligence and scientific acumen are undeniable. His knowledge spans across various disciplines, from advanced physics and cosmology to engineering and dimensional mechanics. This expertise enables him to devise intricate devices, technologies, and strategies to harness the power of the multiverse and manipulate its properties to his advantage.
  5. Resourceful Problem-Solving: His tenure with Hydra has honed Mr. Voght's ability to think on his feet and find creative solutions to complex challenges. Whether faced with a technical glitch during interdimensional travel or a moral dilemma regarding the use of his knowledge, he can often devise unconventional solutions that surprise both allies and adversaries.


  1. Social Impairment: Mr. Voght's extensive scientific pursuits have sometimes come at the expense of his interpersonal skills. His reclusive nature and singular focus on his work have made it difficult for him to establish strong bonds or rapport with others. This lack of social finesse can sometimes hinder his ability to work effectively within a team.
  3. Ethical Dilemmas: While his knowledge is vast, Mr. Voght's history with Hydra has left him with a moral burden. The knowledge that he once served an organization bent on destruction and domination weighs heavily on his conscience. This internal conflict can lead to moments of hesitation or self-doubt when ethical decisions arise.
  5. Technological Dependence: Mr. Voght's existence as a brain within a robotic shell makes him reliant on the functionality of his cybernetic body. Malfunctions, power interruptions, or technological vulnerabilities can leave him temporarily incapacitated or disadvantaged, exposing a potential vulnerability that adversaries might exploit.
  7. Limited Physical Mobility: Despite his advanced robotic body, Mr. Voght's physical mobility is restricted compared to his former human form. His inability to move as freely as he once did can limit his effectiveness in certain situations, particularly those that require agility, speed, or intricate physical manipulation.
  Incorporating these savvies and ineptitudes into Mr. Voght's character adds depth and complexity to his interactions within the Marvel Multiverse RPG system. His strengths provide opportunities for innovative problem-solving and strategic planning, while his weaknesses introduce potential challenges and obstacles that can test his resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Likes & Dislikes


  1. Scientific Discovery: Mr. Voght has an insatiable curiosity for the mysteries of the multiverse, and he relishes the process of unraveling its secrets through scientific exploration and experimentation. The pursuit of new knowledge and breakthroughs is a source of genuine excitement for him.
  3. Innovative Technologies: He has a deep appreciation for advanced technologies and their potential to reshape the understanding of reality. Whether it's a cutting-edge piece of interdimensional machinery or a groundbreaking scientific concept, he is always eager to engage with new technological advancements.
  5. Intellectual Stimulation: Engaging in thought-provoking discussions, debates, and theoretical conversations fuels Mr. Voght's passion for knowledge. He enjoys interactions with individuals who can challenge his ideas and offer fresh perspectives on the complex topics he's devoted his life to studying.
  7. Problem-Solving Challenges: Confronting complex challenges and enigmas piques his interest and provides him with a sense of purpose. He appreciates scenarios that demand his intellect and analytical skills, pushing him to devise creative solutions to intricate problems.
  9. Multiversal Travel: Despite the potential dangers and ethical dilemmas associated with interdimensional travel, Mr. Voght finds a certain fascination in exploring alternate realities and encountering different versions of existence. The prospect of uncovering unique phenomena and divergent histories intrigues him.


  1. Hydra's Legacy: The memories of his involvement with Hydra weigh heavily on Mr. Voght's conscience. He despises the organization's history of destruction, manipulation, and oppression, and he strives to distance himself from its dark legacy.
  3. Unintended Consequences: Given his extensive understanding of the multiverse, he is acutely aware of the potential unintended consequences that scientific experimentation can bring. He dislikes situations where his actions inadvertently lead to harm or instability in the fabric of reality.
  5. Exploitation of Knowledge: Mr. Voght detests the idea of his scientific insights and discoveries being used for nefarious purposes, especially when they have the potential to harm innocent lives or distort the natural order of the multiverse.
  7. Closed-Mindedness: He has little patience for individuals who refuse to embrace new ideas, explore the unknown, or engage in intellectual discourse. Those who are narrow-minded or resistant to expanding their horizons frustrate him.
  9. Conflict for the Sake of Conflict: While he recognizes the necessity of conflict in certain situations, Mr. Voght dislikes needless violence and aggression. He prefers to seek diplomatic solutions whenever possible, using his intelligence and knowledge to defuse tense situations.
  Understanding Mr. Voght's likes and dislikes contributes to a deeper understanding of his motivations and reactions within the Marvel Multiverse RPG system. His preferences influence his decisions, alliances, and interactions, adding layers of authenticity and complexity to his character's portrayal.

Virtues & Personality perks


  1. Intellectual Integrity: Mr. Voght upholds a strong commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and truth. He values honesty, accuracy, and transparency in his scientific endeavors, always striving to present his findings with integrity and authenticity.
  3. Curiosity and Exploration: His insatiable curiosity drives him to explore uncharted territories of the multiverse, seeking to uncover new dimensions, phenomena, and possibilities. His willingness to venture into the unknown demonstrates his bravery and dedication to expanding the boundaries of understanding.
  5. Empathy and Redemption: Despite his past association with Hydra, Mr. Voght's genuine remorse and desire for redemption highlight his capacity for empathy. He is committed to using his knowledge and expertise for positive change and to make amends for the harm caused by his earlier actions.
  7. Adaptive Learning: He possesses a remarkable ability to quickly adapt and learn from new situations, often drawing upon his extensive scientific knowledge to devise innovative solutions to complex challenges.


  1. Multiversal Expertise: Mr. Voght's in-depth understanding of the multiverse grants him a unique advantage in navigating alternate realities, identifying interdimensional anomalies, and comprehending the intricacies of multiversal phenomena.
  3. Advanced Scientific Tools: His proficiency in creating and utilizing advanced scientific tools, devices, and machinery allows him to harness the power of technology to analyze, manipulate, and study the fabric of reality.
  5. Data Analysis: His exceptional data analysis skills enable him to decipher complex information, recognize patterns, and extrapolate insights from vast amounts of multiversal data. This skill proves invaluable in unraveling mysteries and solving enigmatic puzzles.
  7. Quantum Communication: He possesses the ability to establish stable channels of communication across dimensions, facilitating exchange of information and collaboration between individuals from different realities.
  9. Dimensional Barrier Manipulation: Through his technological expertise, Mr. Voght can manipulate and create temporary breaches in the barriers separating dimensions, allowing for controlled interdimensional travel or communication.
  11. Temporal Mapping: His understanding of multiversal timelines grants him the capability to construct temporal maps that chart the progression of different realities, aiding in predicting potential future events and their implications.

Vices & Personality flaws


  1. Obsession with Knowledge: Mr. Voght's unquenchable thirst for knowledge can sometimes border on obsession. His relentless pursuit of understanding the multiverse may lead him to neglect other aspects of his life, including personal relationships and self-care.
  3. Ethical Dilemmas: His past involvement with Hydra weighs heavily on his conscience. While he seeks redemption, he occasionally grapples with ethical dilemmas that challenge his commitment to the greater good and his desire to make amends for his past actions.


  1. Social Awkwardness: His intense focus on scientific pursuits has left him with somewhat awkward social skills. He may struggle to connect with others on an emotional level and find it difficult to engage in casual conversations or build deep friendships.
  3. Risk-Taking Tendencies: Mr. Voght's adventurous spirit and eagerness to explore the multiverse can sometimes lead him to take risks without fully considering the potential consequences. This tendency may put himself and others in danger.
  5. Single-Mindedness: When immersed in his research and experiments, he can become so absorbed in his work that he loses sight of time and surroundings. This single-mindedness can hinder his ability to balance different aspects of his life.
  7. Trust Issues: Given his involvement with Hydra in the past, he may struggle with trust issues and find it challenging to fully confide in others, even when working as part of a team.
  9. Impatience: Mr. Voght's eagerness to uncover new discoveries may lead to impatience when progress is slow or when obstacles arise. This impatience could potentially result in hasty decisions or overlooking critical details.


Social Aptitude

Mr. Warin Voght possesses a unique blend of social aptitudes that have evolved over his long and diverse life:  
  1. Intellectual Eloquence: With his extensive knowledge and experience, Mr. Voght is adept at engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations. His deep understanding of various subjects allows him to hold insightful discussions with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  3. Teaching and Mentorship: Having served as a science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Mr. Voght demonstrates a patient and insightful approach to teaching. His ability to convey complex concepts in an understandable manner makes him an effective mentor for young minds.
  5. Multiversal Insights: His involvement with multiverse navigation and research has granted him a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of realities. This allows him to contribute novel insights to discussions about the multiverse and its implications.
  7. Problem-Solving: Mr. Voght's scientific background and extensive research experience have honed his problem-solving skills. He excels at analyzing complex situations, identifying patterns, and devising innovative solutions.
  9. Calm and Analytical: In high-pressure situations, Mr. Voght maintains a calm and collected demeanor. He approaches challenges with a rational and analytical mindset, often leading others by example in making well-informed decisions.
  11. Historical Context: With his vast experience spanning multiple decades, Mr. Voght possesses a unique grasp of historical events and their impact on various realities. This knowledge allows him to offer valuable historical context to discussions.
  13. Multiversal Diplomacy: Mr. Voght's interactions with individuals from different realities have refined his diplomatic skills. He can navigate cultural differences and forge connections between people with diverse perspectives.
  15. Ethical Guidance: Mr. Voght's past involvement with Hydra provides him with a unique understanding of the moral complexities of science, power, and responsibility. He can offer ethical guidance and insights into the consequences of one's actions.
  17. Collaborative Spirit: Mr. Voght recognizes the value of collaboration and teamwork. He encourages open dialogue and is receptive to input from others, fostering an environment of mutual learning and growth.
  19. Curiosity and Open-Mindedness: His insatiable curiosity and open-minded approach to new ideas make him an excellent conversationalist. He values the perspectives of others and encourages exploration of uncharted territories.
  Overall, Mr. Voght's social aptitudes stem from his dedication to learning, teaching, and understanding the multiverse. His interactions are marked by a profound respect for knowledge, a commitment to ethical principles, and a genuine desire to share his insights for the betterment of those around him.


Mr. Warin Voght's habitual gestures and ways of speaking are distinctive and reflective of his unique background and personality:  
  1. Analytical Pondering: When presented with a question or situation, Mr. Voght often pauses to analyze the matter deeply. His robotic nature allows him to process information quickly, but he still takes a moment to consider the implications before responding.
  3. Measured Speech: His speech is deliberate and precise. He carefully chooses his words to convey his thoughts accurately, often employing a sophisticated vocabulary that reflects his extensive knowledge.
  5. Robotic Inflection: Due to his cybernetic nature, Mr. Voght's voice carries a subtle electronic undertone, giving his speech a distinctive quality. This robotic inflection lends an air of detachment to his words, which contrasts with the warmth of his interactions.
  7. Quizzical Tilt: When intrigued or contemplating a matter, Mr. Voght tilts his head slightly, as if in a gesture of curiosity. This gesture is a visual indicator of his constant thirst for knowledge and understanding.
  9. Clasped Hands: While engaged in discussions or listening attentively, Mr. Voght often clasps his robotic hands together in front of him. This gesture reflects his focus on the matter at hand and his deep involvement in the conversation.
  11. Patient Expression: Mr. Voght's face, despite its robotic nature, is capable of expressing subtle emotions. He often wears an expression of patient consideration, indicating his willingness to listen and provide thoughtful insights.
  13. Multiversal References: He occasionally references events, concepts, or phenomena from different realities in his conversations. These references demonstrate his broad knowledge of the multiverse and highlight his unique experiences.
  15. Minimalistic Movements: While his robotic body is capable of various movements, Mr. Voght's gestures are usually minimalistic and purposeful. This reflects his calculated approach to communication and interaction.
  17. Subtle Humor: Though not known for humor, Mr. Voght occasionally employs subtle, intellectual humor in his conversations. These moments of wit are a testament to his multifaceted personality and his ability to engage with others on different levels.
  19. Active Listening: When others speak, Mr. Voght maintains steady eye contact and nods intermittently to indicate that he's actively listening. This behavior underscores his respect for others and his commitment to meaningful conversations.
  21. Gesture of Gratitude: When expressing gratitude or appreciation, Mr. Voght places a hand over his robotic chest, where his "brain container" resides. This gesture symbolizes his recognition of the value of the connection he shares with others.
  Overall, Mr. Warin Voght's gestures and ways of speaking reflect his robotic nature, his intellectual depth, and his commitment to fostering meaningful connections with others. His interactions are marked by his unique blend of technological sophistication and genuine human-like qualities.

Hobbies & Pets

Mr. Warin Voght's hobbies reflect his intellectual curiosity, fascination with science, and desire to expand his knowledge in various fields. Despite his robotic form, he engages in activities that align with his interests and provide opportunities for learning and exploration:  
  1. Multiversal Exploration: One of Mr. Voght's primary hobbies is studying the multiverse. He dedicates time to understanding the intricacies of alternate realities, different timelines, and the potential connections between them. This hobby allows him to expand his understanding of the universe's complexities.
  3. Scientific Research: Mr. Voght continues to conduct scientific research, even in his current robotic form. He enjoys delving into various scientific disciplines, conducting experiments, and pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. His research often focuses on advanced technologies, intergalactic phenomena, and cosmic forces.
  5. Multiversal Communication: Building on his past work for Hydra, Mr. Voght enjoys experimenting with methods of multiversal communication. He seeks to establish connections with other realities and share information, bridging the gaps between different versions of existence.
  7. Teaching and Mentorship: Mr. Voght finds fulfillment in teaching and mentoring students, particularly at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. He relishes the opportunity to nurture young minds and guide them in their pursuit of scientific understanding.
  9. Problem-Solving Challenges: Engaging in complex puzzles, riddles, and intellectual challenges is another way Mr. Voght entertains himself. He enjoys testing his analytical skills and finding innovative solutions to intricate problems.
  11. Observational Astronomy: Mr. Voght's fascination with the cosmos extends to observing celestial bodies and phenomena. He spends time observing the night sky, tracking cosmic events, and documenting his observations.
  13. Virtual Reality Exploration: Using advanced technology, Mr. Voght explores virtual reality simulations to experience different environments, timelines, and scenarios. This hobby allows him to immerse himself in different realities without physically traveling.
  15. Collaborative Research: Mr. Voght actively collaborates with other scientists, researchers, and experts from various fields. He enjoys engaging in intellectual debates, exchanging ideas, and working on collaborative projects that contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
  17. Historical Studies: Mr. Voght has an interest in history, particularly the history of Hydra and its impact on different realities. He studies the organization's past actions, its interactions with other civilizations, and its role in shaping the multiverse.
  19. Writing and Documentation: Mr. Voght keeps meticulous records of his observations, experiments, and insights. He enjoys the process of documenting his findings and sharing his knowledge with others.
  21. Creative Problem Solving: Mr. Voght engages in creative problem-solving exercises that challenge his mind and allow him to think outside the box. These exercises help him maintain his mental agility and innovative thinking.
  Overall, Mr. Warin Voght's hobbies revolve around his insatiable hunger for knowledge, his dedication to scientific exploration, and his desire to contribute to the advancement of understanding in both his reality and the multiverse.


Mr. Warin Voght's speech is a unique blend of his robotic nature and the remnants of his human past. While his voice is synthesized through robotics, it carries subtle nuances reminiscent of his original self.   Here's a breakdown of his speech characteristics:  
  • Tone of Voice: Mr. Voght's tone of voice is generally measured and calculated. It conveys a sense of intellectual curiosity and authority, reflecting his background as a scientist and educator. Despite his robotic form, his tone contains a touch of warmth and understanding, showing that his core humanity remains intact.
  • Pitch: His pitch is slightly modulated, falling within a mid-range that is neither too high nor too low. This contributes to the clarity of his speech and makes it easier for others to understand him.
  • Accent and Dialect: Mr. Voght speaks with a subtle German accent, a reminder of his origins in Berlin. This accent adds a distinctive quality to his speech, distinguishing him from others and reflecting his diverse background.
  • Impediments: Due to his robotic form and synthesized speech, Mr. Voght doesn't experience typical human speech impediments. However, occasional electronic glitches or pauses may occur in his speech, reminiscent of technological limitations.
  • Catchphrases: Mr. Voght's speech is characterized by his frequent use of intellectual and scientific terminology. While he doesn't have traditional catchphrases, he often incorporates complex scientific terms into his conversations.
  • Common Phrases: His common phrases reflect his dedication to knowledge and understanding. Phrases like "Intriguing hypothesis," "Fascinating phenomenon," and "A new avenue of exploration" are often part of his vocabulary.
  • Compliments: Mr. Voght's compliments are typically intellectual in nature. He may commend others for their insightful observations, innovative ideas, or meticulous research efforts. His compliments often convey a sense of genuine admiration for intellectual accomplishments.
  • Insults: Mr. Voght is not inclined towards insults, as his personality leans more toward intellectual discourse than negative exchanges. If confronted with hostility, he might express disapproval in a measured and analytical manner rather than resorting to direct insults.
  • Greetings: His greetings are usually courteous and respectful. He may greet others with phrases like "Good day," "Greetings," or "Salutations," accompanied by a nod or a slight bow.
  • Farewell: When bidding farewell, Mr. Voght often expresses his hope for continued exploration and discovery. He might say "Until our paths converge again in the pursuit of knowledge" or "May your inquiries lead to profound revelations."
  • Swearing: Mr. Voght refrains from using strong language or swearing. His speech is marked by a commitment to intellectual discourse and respectful communication.
  • Metaphors: Mr. Voght occasionally employs metaphors that draw from scientific concepts and phenomena. For example, he might say "Like celestial bodies in gravitational alignment, our collaboration yields fascinating insights."
  In essence, Mr. Warin Voght's speech is a reflection of his multifaceted nature—a fusion of human intellect, robotic synthesis, and his distinct background as a scientist. His unique manner of expression adds depth to his interactions and highlights his perpetual quest for knowledge and understanding.
Current Status
Science teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted.
Current Location
Date of Birth
March 13th
1921 1986 65 years old
Berlin, Germany
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Robotic, dark grey
240 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  1. "Knowledge is the light that illuminates the path to redemption."
  3. "Every choice we make ripples through the multiverse, shaping realities we cannot comprehend."
  5. "The past may define us, but it's our actions in the present that shape our destiny."
  7. "The multiverse is a tapestry of possibilities, and it's our duty to weave a future of hope."
  9. "Curiosity is the key to unlocking the universe's deepest mysteries."
  11. "Even in the darkness of our past, there is a glimmer of potential for a brighter tomorrow."
  13. "Science is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used to build or destroy. It's our responsibility to choose wisely."
  15. "Our journey through the multiverse is a quest for redemption, a chance to mend what was broken."
  17. "Embrace the unknown, for within it lies the secrets that can change our world."
  19. "From the ashes of regret, we rise to forge a new destiny."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  1. German: As his native language and the language of his birthplace, Mr. Voght is fluent in German. His slight German accent when speaking English pays homage to his linguistic roots.
  3. English: Being a member of the scientific community and an educator at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Mr. Voght is fluent in English, which allows him to effectively communicate and instruct students in an English-speaking environment.
  5. Scientific Terminology: With his extensive scientific background, Mr. Voght is well-versed in the specialized terminology of various scientific disciplines. He can fluently discuss complex concepts and ideas related to physics, astronomy, technology, and more.
  7. Multiversal Dialects: Mr. Voght's research into intergalactic communication and multiversal travel has likely exposed him to various alien languages and dialects from different realities. While not necessarily fluent in these languages, his knowledge enables him to communicate effectively in cross-dimensional scenarios.
  9. Robotic Communication: Since he resides in a robotic frame, Mr. Voght is adept at utilizing electronic and mechanical means of communication. His speech and expressions are modulated through robotics and electronics, enhancing his ability to convey his thoughts and ideas.
  11. Artificial Intelligence Languages: His integration with technology might have also led him to learn programming languages or communication protocols specific to artificial intelligence and robotics.
  While his language proficiency is primarily centered around German and English, his unique experiences and expertise have likely exposed him to a variety of languages related to his scientific endeavors, both on Earth-618 and beyond.


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