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Mr. Voght's Science Class

Classroom B4, also known as Mr. Voght's Science Class, is a cornerstone of scientific exploration at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. Originally constructed in 2021, it stands as a testament to the academy's commitment to excellence in education. This room has witnessed a fascinating evolution, from its inception to becoming the domain of Mr. Warin Voght, a brilliant scientist and teacher.   The classroom's purpose has always been to provide a space for students to delve into the mysteries of science. With its post-modern architecture, artificial and glass windows, and glass ceilings allowing natural light, it creates an atmosphere of curiosity and inspiration. Visitors are greeted by a faint scent of machine oil reminiscent of maple syrup, a hint of Mr. Voght's unique presence.   Within its walls, Mr. Voght conducts his lessons, sharing his remarkable journey from a Hydra scientist to a reformed teacher. His robotic frame, a fusion of human intellect and technological innovation, houses his brain and optical nerves, offering a blend of German-accented speech and synthesized communication. The room itself has been altered to accommodate Mr. Voght's needs, including a docking station for recharging and tissue regeneration for extended lifespan.   Classroom B4's legacy is marked by its role in nurturing curious minds and fostering a passion for scientific discovery. Its students engage in experiments, discussions, and explorations guided by Mr. Voght's measured tones and extensive knowledge. The room is a living tribute to resilience, transformation, and intellectual spirit, a beacon of learning that shapes the future scientists of Earth-618.

Purpose / Function

The intended purpose of Classroom B4, also known as Mr. Voght's Science Class, is to provide a dedicated space for scientific education and exploration at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. This classroom is specifically designed to host Mr. Warin Voght's science lessons and facilitate his unique teaching style. It serves as a hub for students to engage in a wide range of scientific topics, experiments, and discussions.   The original reason for Classroom B4's existence was, like other classrooms in the Main Building, to provide a versatile space for educational activities. However, its specific purpose as Mr. Voght's Science Class was established later, after Mr. Voght joined the academy as a science teacher. His presence and expertise led to the transformation of the room into a specialized environment for scientific learning.   Over time, Classroom B4 evolved into a place where students can immerse themselves in the wonders of the universe, guided by Mr. Voght's intellectual prowess and passion for science. It's a space where students can expand their scientific knowledge, hone their critical thinking skills, and explore various scientific disciplines, all while being mentored by a remarkable individual who has lived through extraordinary transformations himself.


A rectangular chamber, about 30 feet long and 25 feet wide, with high ceilings supported by sleek metal beams. Its shape mirrors a modern lecture hall, ensuring an unobstructed view for students. The walls wear a cool shade of blue, lined with interactive whiteboards and metallic panels, displaying scientific equations and cosmic imagery. The ceiling, a marvel of glass and metal, extends like an observatory dome, welcoming sunlight and starlight. The floor, polished with a reflective sheen, is a fusion of composite materials, evoking a futuristic laboratory ambiance.


  1. Entrances & Exits: Classroom B4 features a single entrance, accessed through two wooden doors with glass panels on either side, allowing for ample passage. The doors lead to the Main Lobby via the Classroom Corridors. The entrance is located on the Northern wall, providing a convenient point of access for students and instructors.
  3. Windows: Artificial windows line the classroom walls, providing an illusion of natural light and outdoor views. Additionally, two sets of real windows are situated along the Southern and Eastern walls, opening up to the outside of the Main Building. These windows allow ample sunlight to filter in, illuminating the room with a warm, natural glow.
  5. Window Features: The windows are designed with functionality and security in mind. While they aren't locked, they feature modern mechanisms that allow for easy opening and closing. The glass used is reinforced to ensure durability and safety. While not barred, these windows are crafted from advanced materials that provide a level of natural UV light filtration, contributing to the classroom's unique environment.

Sensory & Appearance

Entering Classroom B4, students are greeted by an atmosphere that's a blend of science and technology. The room is well-lit with the natural UV light filtering through the glass ceilings, creating a bright and inviting ambiance. The walls are adorned with posters showcasing scientific theories, diagrams, and illustrations of various phenomena, inspiring curiosity and wonder.   The faint scent of machine oil mingles with a delightful hint of maple syrup, creating an unusual yet strangely comforting olfactory experience. This scent is a unique characteristic of the room, a result of Mr. Voght's presence and the alterations made to accommodate his robotic form.   As students step further into the room, they might notice a slight drop in temperature, a consequence of the advanced cooling systems necessary for maintaining Mr. Voght's robotic body. The air is crisp and clean, with a subtle hum of machinery and technology in the background. The floors are a combination of polished wood and metal grates, cool to the touch but not uncomfortably so.   The sense of touch is further engaged by the presence of tactile learning materials placed on desks, offering students a chance to interact with models, specimens, and instruments related to various scientific concepts. The chairs are ergonomic and comfortable, designed to encourage focused learning during Mr. Voght's lessons.   Sound-wise, the classroom is a harmonious blend of ambient noises: the soft whirr of the cooling systems, the occasional beep of a computer interface, and the hushed murmurs of students engaged in discussions or experiments. When Mr. Voght is teaching, his measured and synthesized speech resonates, commanding attention and conveying a sense of authority mixed with his genuine passion for science.   In Classroom B4, the atmosphere is one of exploration, innovation, and intellectual curiosity, providing students with an environment conducive to their scientific endeavors.


Regularly found in Classroom B4 is Mr. Warin Voght, the science teacher. As the primary occupant and educator of the classroom, he dedicates himself to shaping the minds of the students through his lessons and discussions on various scientific topics. His presence serves as an inspiration to those seeking to unravel the mysteries of the universe.   Additionally, students attending Mr. Voght's science class are a common sight. They come to the classroom to engage in lessons, experiments, and discussions that expand their understanding of the natural world and the complexities of science. The classroom buzzes with their eager participation and inquiries.   Occasionally, maintenance personnel might enter the classroom to ensure that the specialized equipment and alterations designed to accommodate Mr. Voght's robotic physiology are functioning properly. These maintenance visits are essential to uphold the classroom's unique environment and to ensure the safety and comfort of its inhabitants.   Overall, Classroom B4 is a dynamic space where the interplay between Mr. Voght and his students fosters an atmosphere of intellectual growth and scientific exploration.

Contents & Furnishings

Classroom B4, Mr. Voght's Science Class, is equipped with a variety of items that facilitate the learning and exploration of scientific concepts. Some of the items you might find in the room include:  
  1. Laboratory Equipment: The classroom is furnished with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment such as microscopes, centrifuges, Bunsen burners, and spectrometers. These tools enable students to conduct hands-on experiments and observations.
  3. Interactive Displays: Digital screens and interactive whiteboards are mounted on the walls, allowing Mr. Voght to present visual aids, diagrams, and simulations during his lectures. Students can also use these displays to share their work and findings with the class.
  5. Specimen Collection: Shelves house a collection of specimens, both biological and mineral, for students to examine closely. This allows them to study various forms of life and minerals under the guidance of Mr. Voght.
  7. Scientific Models: Three-dimensional models of molecules, cells, organisms, and celestial bodies provide a tangible representation of complex scientific concepts, aiding students in visualizing abstract ideas.
  9. Reference Books: A selection of scientific reference books, journals, and textbooks are available for students to use for research and learning outside of class hours.
  11. Comfortable Seating: Ergonomic chairs and desks are arranged in a way that facilitates group discussions and individual learning. The seating arrangement encourages collaboration and engagement among students.
  13. Robotics Station: A specialized workstation is set up to accommodate Mr. Voght's robotic frame. This station includes a docking area for recharging and maintenance, ensuring his seamless integration into the classroom environment.
  15. Multimedia Resources: The classroom is equipped with computers and tablets that students can use to access online resources, conduct research, and engage in interactive simulations related to various scientific disciplines.
  17. Personal Touches: Mr. Voght adds personal touches to the classroom, such as potted plants and framed scientific quotes, to create an inviting and inspiring atmosphere for his students.
  These items collectively create an environment that supports both theoretical learning and practical experimentation, fostering a deep appreciation for the wonders of science within Classroom B4.


Within Classroom B4, a realm of scientific exploration and learning, students might stumble upon a few intriguing treasures:  
  1. Hidden Notes: Tucked away in the pages of textbooks or between the shelves of reference books, students might discover notes from past students, containing insights, tips, and even humorous anecdotes about Mr. Voght's classes.
  3. Rare Specimens: Among the collection of specimens, there could be a few rare and unique samples collected by Mr. Voght during his extensive scientific travels. These specimens could offer students the opportunity to study organisms or minerals they wouldn't typically encounter.
  5. Antique Scientific Equipment: Resting on a display shelf, there might be a small collection of antique scientific instruments from various eras. These artifacts serve as a window into the history of scientific exploration.
  7. Handwritten Equations: Scribbled on the margins of the chalkboard or on a notebook, students might find equations and diagrams left behind by Mr. Voght himself. These could be related to ongoing research or just snippets of his musings.
  9. Unfinished Inventions: In a corner of the room, there could be a table covered with half-assembled gadgets and devices, evidence of Mr. Voght's ongoing tinkering and experimentation.
  11. Collaborative Projects: Students' projects from previous years might be displayed on the walls, showcasing their innovative ideas and solutions to scientific challenges.
  13. Quirky Memorabilia: A small collection of quirky memorabilia related to Mr. Voght's journey as a scientist and educator could be displayed on a shelf, including awards, science-themed knick-knacks, and even a toy robot or two.
  15. Letters of Gratitude: A folder containing heartfelt letters from former students expressing their gratitude for Mr. Voght's guidance and inspiration could be stored on his desk, serving as a testament to his impact.
  These treasures add layers of depth and discovery to Classroom B4, encouraging students to engage with the environment beyond their textbooks and experiment tables, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Special Properties

Classroom B4, the domain of Mr. Warin Voght's scientific teachings, boasts a few special properties that enhance its uniqueness:  
  1. Enhanced Learning Aura: The room is infused with an aura that enhances the students' ability to absorb and retain complex scientific concepts. This aura is a result of Mr. Voght's technological modifications and the harmonious combination of his own intellect and the room's environment.
  3. Interactive Holographic Displays: The walls of the classroom are equipped with interactive holographic displays that can project three-dimensional models, charts, and simulations. This allows Mr. Voght to visually illustrate complex scientific phenomena, making learning more engaging and comprehensible.
  5. Adaptive Environment: The room's environment, including lighting, temperature, and even humidity, can be adjusted according to the topic being taught. For instance, if Mr. Voght is teaching about aquatic ecosystems, the room might subtly transform to create a marine ambiance.
  7. Research Database Access: Mr. Voght's personal research database is accessible through the classroom's network. Students can access relevant articles, papers, and simulations to supplement their learning and explore topics further.
  9. Analytical Tools: Embedded within the tables are advanced analytical tools that allow students to perform real-time experiments and gather data. These tools provide instant feedback and guidance, fostering a hands-on approach to scientific exploration.
  11. Multilingual Translation: The room is equipped with a multilingual translation system that enables Mr. Voght to seamlessly communicate with students from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This ensures that language barriers do not hinder learning.
  13. Holodeck Integration: A small section of the classroom can be transformed into a holodeck-like space, where students can virtually immerse themselves in various scientific scenarios. This feature adds an element of experiential learning to the classroom.
  15. Empathy Amplification: Mr. Voght's robotic form is equipped with sensors that can detect the emotional states of the students. When a student is struggling or frustrated, the room subtly adjusts its ambiance to promote a calming and encouraging atmosphere.
  These special properties make Classroom B4 not only a space for learning but also an innovative hub of scientific exploration and intellectual growth. They reflect Mr. Voght's dedication to fostering a stimulating and supportive environment for his students.


Throughout its existence, Classroom B4, Mr. Voght's Science Class, has undergone several alterations to cater to the unique needs of Mr. Warin Voght and his distinctive teaching methods. These alterations were designed to support his robotic physiology and create an environment conducive to scientific exploration:  
  1. Physiological Support Systems: The room has been equipped with advanced technology to sustain Mr. Voght's robotic form. This includes a docking station where his robotic torso can recharge, ensuring he remains operational and engaged with his students.
  3. Rest and Rejuvenation Area: To mimic the rest that humans experience through sleep, a specialized area has been incorporated into the room where Mr. Voght can "power down." This allows his consciousness to rest, rejuvenate, and process information, contributing to his longevity.
  5. Tissue Regeneration Facilities: The classroom features tissue regeneration technology that aids in maintaining Mr. Voght's robotic body. This technology repairs any wear and tear over time, extending his lifespan and ensuring he remains in optimal working condition.
  7. Enhanced Learning Interfaces: The room is equipped with interactive displays and holographic projectors that cater to Mr. Voght's teaching style. These interfaces allow him to present complex scientific concepts in visually engaging ways, enhancing the students' learning experiences.
  9. Specialized Workstations: The workstations in the classroom are designed to accommodate Mr. Voght's unique abilities and needs. They feature adaptable surfaces and interfaces that allow him to demonstrate experiments and simulations with precision.
  11. Secure Library Access: As a science enthusiast, Mr. Voght has curated an extensive collection of literature. This collection is secured with state-of-the-art security features, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the library. It serves as a valuable resource for both Mr. Voght and his students.
  These alterations reflect Mr. Voght's integration of advanced technology and his desire to create an educational space that caters to his robotic nature while fostering a deep understanding of the sciences. The classroom is a testament to the academy's commitment to accommodating the unique attributes of its diverse teaching staff and promoting an innovative approach to education.


The construction of Classroom B4, Mr. Voght's Science Class, follows the prevalent post-modern architectural style that is a hallmark of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. The design features clean lines, sleek surfaces, and a harmonious blend of form and function. The architecture emphasizes functionality while maintaining an aesthetic that complements the modern learning environment of the academy.   The materials used in the construction of Classroom B4 include:  
  1. Walls: The walls are constructed using reinforced concrete panels for durability and sound insulation. These panels are finished with a combination of neutral-colored paint and acoustic panels to create an environment conducive to focused learning.
  3. Ceiling: The ceiling is made of lightweight acoustic panels that absorb sound and contribute to a comfortable and quiet atmosphere. The real glass ceilings in the room allow natural UV light to filter through, providing a connection to the outdoors.
  5. Flooring: The flooring is crafted from sustainable materials such as bamboo or cork, promoting eco-friendliness and comfort underfoot. The flooring is treated to reduce noise levels and create a serene learning environment.
  Mr. Voght's personal touch can be observed throughout the classroom:  
  1. Scientific Displays: The walls feature interactive screens and holographic projectors that display scientific concepts, equations, and visual simulations. These displays are used to enhance his teaching methods and engage students in complex topics.
  3. Collections and Artifacts: Mr. Voght's appreciation for science is evident in the collections of scientific artifacts and models that adorn the classroom. These items offer visual aids that reinforce lessons and provide tangible examples of scientific principles.
  5. Robotics Workstations: The classroom includes specialized robotics workstations where students can engage in hands-on activities related to robotics, engineering, and technological experimentation. These workstations reflect Mr. Voght's passion for innovation and technological exploration.
  7. Interactive Learning Stations: Throughout the room, interactive learning stations are strategically placed to encourage collaborative learning and experimentation. These stations are equipped with cutting-edge technology to facilitate dynamic engagement with scientific concepts.
  9. Personal Library: Mr. Voght's personal collection of scientific literature is neatly organized in a secure and visually appealing display. The collection includes a range of scientific topics, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration among the students.
  Incorporating both technology and a deep appreciation for the sciences, Mr. Voght's classroom reflects his commitment to nurturing the intellectual growth of his students and fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking and innovation.


Classroom B4, Mr. Voght's Science Class, is equipped with several defensive and security features designed to ensure the safety of its occupants and the integrity of its contents:  
  1. Security Access System: The entrance to the classroom is controlled by a sophisticated security access system. Only authorized personnel, such as Mr. Voght and designated staff, can enter the classroom through the use of biometric authentication, access cards, or other secure methods.
  3. Biometric Lockdown: In the event of a security threat or emergency, Classroom B4 can be locked down using biometric authentication. Mr. Voght, as well as security personnel, have the ability to trigger a lockdown that secures the room and prevents unauthorized entry.
  5. Surveillance and Monitoring: The classroom is equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance cameras that provide real-time monitoring of the interior and exterior. This allows Mr. Voght and security personnel to closely monitor activities within the classroom and respond swiftly to any potential threats.
  7. Emergency Communication: The classroom is equipped with an integrated emergency communication system that allows occupants to send distress signals or request assistance. This system is connected to the academy's central security hub, ensuring a rapid response from security personnel.
  9. Emergency Sealant: In the event of a breach or attempted forced entry, the classroom can deploy an emergency sealant system. This sealant creates a temporary barrier that prevents unauthorized access and provides additional time for security personnel to respond.
  11. Intrusion Detection: The classroom is equipped with advanced sensors that can detect unauthorized presence or movement within the room. If any unusual activity is detected, an alert is sent to security personnel, enabling them to assess the situation and take appropriate action.
  13. Secure Storage: Valuable equipment, sensitive data, and Mr. Voght's personal collection of literature are stored within secure compartments that can be locked and sealed. These compartments provide an added layer of protection against theft or unauthorized access.
  15. Emergency Evacuation Protocols: In the event of a larger-scale emergency, the classroom has designated evacuation routes and protocols. These protocols are communicated through the academy's integrated emergency communication system, ensuring the safety of all occupants.
  The defensive structures in Classroom B4 are designed to maintain a secure and safe environment for both students and staff. These measures reflect the academy's commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its community members while fostering an environment of learning and exploration.


Inception and Construction

  The early days of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted were marked by ambitious plans and innovative designs. Among the classrooms slated for construction was Classroom B4, which would eventually become Mr. Voght's Science Class. The blueprints were drawn, the foundation was laid, and the walls began to rise. The architectural team carefully integrated modern aesthetics with functional design, creating a space that would foster scientific exploration and education.  

Opening its Doors

  As the academy's construction neared completion, Classroom B4 was among the first classrooms to open its doors to eager students. Its state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology set the stage for a new era of scientific learning. Students entered the room, their curiosity ignited by the promise of discovery and the guidance of skilled educators.  

Mr. Voght's Arrival

  The arrival of Mr. Warin Voght, a remarkable individual with a unique life journey, marked a turning point in the classroom's history. Once a Hydra scientist, Mr. Voght's encounter with the Honorary Avengers led him down a path of reformation. Now, he assumed the role of a science teacher at the academy, bringing his immense intellect and unquenchable thirst for knowledge to Classroom B4.  

Transformation and Innovation

  As years went by, Mr. Voght's passion for science and exploration flourished within the walls of Classroom B4. His expertise and dedication inspired a new generation of students to delve into the mysteries of the universe. With innovative teaching methods, Mr. Voght transformed the classroom into a hub of intellectual curiosity and scientific discovery.  

Technological Integration

  Recognizing Mr. Voght's unique physiology and his commitment to education, the academy undertook a series of alterations to enhance the classroom's facilities. Advanced technologies were integrated, including a docking station to recharge Mr. Voght's robotic torso and tissue regeneration to extend his lifespan. These modifications allowed him to continue his important work while preserving his own existence.  

Continuous Exploration

  In the years that followed, Classroom B4 remained a space of continuous exploration and intellectual growth. Students were captivated by Mr. Voght's complex lectures, discussions, and experiments. The room buzzed with scientific excitement, as students conducted experiments, shared ideas, and discovered the wonders of the universe.   As the classroom's history unfolded, it became a testament to the academy's commitment to nurturing brilliant minds and fostering a sense of wonder. The presence of Mr. Voght, his unique story, and his tireless dedication transformed Classroom B4 into a space that inspired students to reach for the stars, question the unknown, and embrace the limitless possibilities of science.
Founding Date
October 22nd, 2021
Alternative Names
Classroom B4
Room, Education, Classroom
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
Inside Classroom B4, the environment is meticulously calibrated to create an optimal atmosphere for learning and scientific exploration. The classroom is designed to ensure students' comfort and engagement, with various factors taken into consideration:  
  1. Temperature: The temperature inside Classroom B4 is maintained at a comfortable level, usually around 72°F (22°C). This temperature promotes focus and minimizes distractions caused by discomfort.
  3. Humidity: The humidity levels are kept within the ideal range of 40-60%. This range prevents the air from becoming too dry, ensuring that students remain comfortable and that the environment is conducive to focused learning.
  5. Oxygen Levels: The oxygen levels in the room are monitored and regulated to ensure optimal brain function and cognitive performance. Fresh, clean air is continuously circulated to prevent stuffiness and fatigue.
  7. Lighting: The room is equipped with dynamic lighting that can mimic natural daylight. The lighting intensity can be adjusted based on the activities taking place. Brighter lighting is used for interactive discussions and experiments, while softer lighting is employed during independent work and lectures.
  9. Air Quality: The air quality is closely monitored and filtered to ensure that students are breathing clean and healthy air. Any potential allergens or pollutants are effectively removed from the environment.
  11. Sound Control: Acoustic panels and sound-absorbing materials are strategically placed throughout the room to minimize echoes and ensure clear communication. This fosters a quiet and focused learning environment.
  13. Interactive Holographic Displays: The walls of the classroom are equipped with interactive holographic displays that enhance the visual learning experience. These displays can project vibrant and detailed images, making complex scientific concepts easier to understand.
  15. Seating Arrangement: The seating arrangement is flexible and adaptable to various teaching methods. Tables and chairs can be rearranged to accommodate group discussions, collaborative projects, or individual work.
  17. Personalized Comfort: Each student has the option to adjust their immediate environment to their preference. Temperature, lighting, and even chair comfort can be customized within certain limits, allowing students to create an environment that suits their learning style.
  The environment inside Classroom B4 is a testament to Mr. Warin Voght's dedication to creating an ideal setting for scientific education. Every detail is considered to provide students with a comfortable, engaging, and effective learning experience.
Connected Rooms
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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