Hotel España Building / Landmark in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Hotel España

A relatively small hotel in the heart of Lima district. Run by the aging owner, Petronila Cupitina, the hotel's décor is eclectic and the paint peeling.

Flavor Description

  As the you cautiously step into the Hotel España, a small and enigmatic establishment, the noise and commotion from the busy street outside slowly fade into a hushed whisper. Shadows seem to dance ominously within the dimly lit interior, adding an air of mystery and unease to the atmosphere.   There is no conventional reception desk, but rather a small, weathered figure sits in the foyer. Cloaked in a woolen shawl, the white-haired woman and owner of the hotel named Petronila Cupitina gazes at you with piercing eyes. Her presence exudes a sense of ancient wisdom, as if she has witnessed far more than one could fathom.   The interior of Hotel España reveals a disconcerting eccentricity. The walls, coated in faded and peeling layers of paint, bear remnants of brighter days. Random splashes of primary colors clash, creating an unsettling contrast against the dilapidated backdrop. Paintings and photographs, once vibrant and full of life, now seem to be fading echoes of forgotten tales, their subjects forever trapped in frozen anguish.   Navigating through the common areas feels like a journey into a twisted carnival of peculiarities. The dim lighting casts elongated shadows that play tricks on the mind, giving life to the statues, plants, and artworks that populate the space. Their presence feels intrusive, as if their watchful eyes follow every move you make, their true intentions hidden beneath layers of deception.   The bedrooms, a sanctuary of broken dreams and faded aspirations, mirror the disquieting nature of the hotel. The same bold colors that adorn the walls now appear garish and unsettling, as if mocking the notion of comfort. The French windows, leading to the small balconies on the upper floor, offer a glimpse into the outside world, but you can't help but feel a sense of entrapment, as if the confines of the hotel are closing in around them.
Hospitality, Hotel
Parent Location


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