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Session 3: Welcome to Teryk

General Summary

The recruits, along with Patriot, finally arrived in Teryk after traveling through the Ashen Spires mountain pass and Shadowmount Forest. They reported to Maj. Weylin Cannith, who provided them with military housing in the Bloomsbury quarter and assigned them to work the night city patrol shift under Cpt. Harold Dunsmith. Jacob, the major's son, was removed from the party and assigned to other duties by his father.

On their first shift, the recruits were assigned Sgt. Pascal Kromer as their training officer and ordered to patrol the Dol Arrah district. The sergeant was very laid back, saying he was only there to evaluate their work and that he wouldn't intervene unless he was asked to take over or if grave mistakes were committed. He portrayed working the night shift as an easy gig, coralling people around until curfew and then walking the empty streets.

For their first intervention, the team came across Herman Danzig, a very drunk man who was loudly banging on a house's door and screaming to the person inside to let him in. Charli questioned the man to understand the situation, understanding that his wife had locked him out of their house and left his personal belongings in suitcases outside. Charli convinced the man to step aside so she could speak with his wife while Zigz kept an eye on him. The man's wife had no intention of letting her cheating husband back inside the house despite the looming curfew, insinuating that he could simply sleep at "his trollop's". Charli advised the wife to have a level-headed conversation with her husband after he'd sobered up and officially file for divorce, as he did legally still have the right to live in his house until the duke ruled on the matter. The team tried asking Herman where else he could step the night, but his answers got completely unintelligible and he eventually passed out. They decided to take him back to the garrison so he could sober up in a cell. Captain Dunsmith decided to judge him in the morning after he'd sobered up.

After writing their report, the recurits and Sgt. Kromer went back to Dol Arrah. The sergeant suggested going around taverns to warn people to get home before curfew. As they passed by The Obnoxious Chair, a man was thrown out of a window, got up and ran back inside to fight. Four men were brawling in the bar. The man cracked a stool on a dwarf's head only to be thrown against the wall of liquor bottles behind the bar, breaking over a dozen. A tiefling joined the fray to attack the human as the team entered the tavern. The bartender complained about the damage to his tavern and asked the soldiers to get the brawlers out.

The soldiers' orders to stop fighting only pacified a half-elf who hadn't yet had time to join the fray. While Charli and Nyx attempted the diplomatic route, Zigz unholstered his pistol and pointed it at the dwarf as Matias got in his line of fire to attempt to grapple him. The man and the dwarf kept wailing on each other, with the man screaming insults and complaining that they had "stolen his perp" before stabbing the dwarf with a broken bottle. The team eventually managed to subdue the fighters. Upon being handcuffed, the human claimed the soldiers couldn't arrest him as he outranked them. Finding the men's military identification papers, they discovered the human was a lance corporal and the three he was fighting were privates in the Karrnathi army. After tempers were calmed down, the party decided to let the brawlers go after they each paid their share of the damages to the tavern. As the dwarf walked to the bar to pay his share, he fainted from blood loss and was taken to a nearby hospital after being stabilized by Charli.

Sergeant Kromer berated Zigz for his lack of trigger dicipline and Matias for standing in a soldier's line of fire, and denounced the team's decision to let the the corporal leave after he had stabbed a man. He said he would recommend Cpl. Schultz's arrest in his version of the report.

Rewards Granted

180 XP for both interventions (level up to 3)
Herman Danzig had a nasty surprise when he got home
Report Date
30 Aug 2024
Primary Location
In-game date:
Nymm 2nd to 4th, 1005


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