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Ghost Tide Principality

Lost and Its People

Based on the isle of Lost, The Ghost Tide principality is one of the most insular and isolated principalities within Lhazaar. The Ghost Tide came about due to the popularity of the island of Lost as a destination for people trying to "get lost." This has made it a mecca for criminals, runaways, exiles, and-as The Last War continued-deserters. As these types of people, outcasts, gathered on the island a culture developed around the island in order to protect the group. There are a few key elements to this, and names are the most obvious when a newcomer appears on the island. Names aren't useful when you are trying to disappear, they weigh you down and mark the life you had before the island. Therefore, once on Lost names are changed. The most common formula is animal names-such as crow, black eagle, grey worm, or red rat-yet more esoteric and symbolic names are found on the island as well. What is more important is the shedding on an old name while you are on the island. The second element is the unique legal code of the island, in which there are only two truly illegal acts: revenge killings, and theft of old property. These are more philosophical then anything else, yet have the harshest of punishments should one be found to be infringing upon them. The acts symbolize both the need to go beyond an old life-those on Lost shouldn't seek revenge for wrongs done in another life-yet symbolize your private right to keep a memory of that old life should you wish to. All those found to be in suspicion of these crimes must prove their own innocence, and are assumed guilty until they can convince otherwise. This has led to a very negative opinion of those who call the isle of Lost home, and it is widely derided among the principalities as a whole.

The Ghost Tide

Not all who live in Lost are among the members of The Ghost Tide, yet they are the ones most dedicated to its goals. As those who have left behind can never return they begin to seek another outlet, something to give their life purpose. The Ghost Tide was the creation of these desperate individuals seeking a cause. This group-marked on the island for their use of masks at almost all times-are the members of the principality, and the ones who enforce what few laws and customs the island has. The group has managed to make a name for themselves as experts of stealth raids, with a tendency to appear from mists that seem to follow them wherever they go. During The Last War the Ghost Tide were hired by many to disrupt shipping and trade in the principalities, with allegiance shifting from day to day, although this did cause their stock to greatly rise in the war. As the tensions over Prince Ryger's attempts to control all of the principalities rise the Ghost Tide have continued to be neutral and sit back, even while being courted-and paid-by both major factions in the principalities.


The Ghost Tide is renowned for its largely democratic process, with all higher ups being elected by the members of the Ghost Tide below them. While the process of the election of captains and shipwrights are well known, the election of the Phantom Speaker is far more mysterious. All members of the Ghost Tide leave for a location in the interior of Lost, where presumably a similar election for the Phantom Speaker occurs, however there is no evidence to conclude what exactly occurs there.


As discussed above, the culture of the Ghost Tide, and Lost at large, is based around the idea of leaving behind an old life and is focused around making sure no one can punish you for things which occurred before you arrived at the island. This does require sacrifice from someone looking to find a new life though, and true dedication to any new cause they might find. This also makes many people on the island exceptionally private, and do not take well to outsiders.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of The Ghost Tide would seem to simply be a desire to be left on their own, as things stand. While the High Prince Ryger does seek to control all the principalities, Lost may be far enough out of the way that he would allow this as long as the Ghost Tide would not oppose him.


The principality lacks in most standards of material wealth. A fur trade has developed as the main export of the island, as many find solace in hunting in the interior of the island. Grey's Rest is the only thing that could be a called settlement on the island, while the Wraith's Hold-the traditional seat of the Ghost Tide-is a somewhat foreboding rampart it is of little strategic concern. Most of the power of the Ghost Tide comes from their war experienced and equipped soldiers, as well as their unique ice breaking ships that allow them to leave and reenter the waters of Lost when others cannot.


The isolated location made the island of Lost somewhere people flocked to when they wanted to disappear. In that group of outcasts, exiles, and criminals some form of order needed to made, and that was where the Ghost Tide came from. Eventually that ramshackle group coalesced into a force that looked to protect what they had made Lost, a haven for people looking for a new life.


The island of Lost, and the surrounding iceberg filed waters, are the holdings of the Ghost Tide, if only because no one else claims them. The interior of the island is mostly unmapped, although it is possible that frontier pioneers have moved and begun to map the area. Little is truly known about the island far beyond the coast.


In such a private society as the Ghost Tide religion is brought up little. Although none are banned, it is rare for any member of the tide to announce any affiliation with a religion. The closest thing to a church that can be found would be either Sir Grey's tomb, unashamedly marked with the symbols of the Sovereigns, and a stone featuring the symbol of the Devourer at the port.

Foreign Relations

The position of the Ghost Tide as outside mercenaries makes them a useful tool, but not a reliable ally. During the Last War they were routinely switching sides as contracts ended and new ones began, working with a nation one day and against them the next. This has made them somewhat well known in the Five Nations, most members of a navy had served alongside their forces and fought against them, but it did not earn them friends in the area. The Ghost Tide is similarly on the fence in the developing situation in the principalities, and as High Prince Ryger continues to amass power and the coalition against him begins to move for conflict, both sides wonder where the Ghost Tide will stand. Attempts to confer with the Phantom Speaker have gone nowhere, as they seem unwilling to make a stand while there is still so much to ascertain.    The Ghost Tide enjoys good relations with other mercenary princes though, the Red Teeth Principality especially, as they can understand each other and their motives.

"Like Ghosts in the Mists"


All members of the Ghost Tide-with the notable exception of the Phantom Speaker-wear masks with a variety of different designs on them, from animals to legendary creatures. A common design is that of an expressionless face-called the Phantom's Visage-that local legends say is identical to the face of the first Phantom Speaker. Ghost Tide members are notoriously unwilling to comment on what the designs of their masks mean, if they mean anything at all.
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
The Ghost Cunts, Creepy Fucks, Masked Devils
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Legislative Body
What few laws there are on Lost have been made by community over generations, however further codes are somewhat softly enforced with the times. These are decided upon by the captain's council, a group of the captain's of the Ghost Tide and several individuals that are found to be influential on the island-although not directly involved with the Ghost Tide.
Judicial Body
Those who are found to be breaking the codes are subjected to little more than a slap on the wrist, repeat offenders are told to venture out into the interior of the island for a time if they do not. Those who are found to be suspicious or guilty of theft or murder are subjected to the Specter's Court. The Specter's Court is a group made up of the Phantom Speaker, the shipwright , and the major of Grey's Rest, and it is upon the accused to prove that either their theft was not of something owned before coming to Lost, or that their murder was not for revenge. All who come before the court are assumed guilty until proven innocent.
Executive Body
The forces of the Ghost Tide enforce the laws and codes.
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Ice and Snow

The island of Lost is famously hard to inhabit, and the people here live off of some combination of imported food, stolen food, fish, and meat from the animals of the interior. Yet when winter comes Lost is completely cut off from the rest of the world, with only the ice breaking ships of the Ghost Tide able to enter or leave. There is a large exodus before winter cuts off Lost from the rest of the world, and there are many stories of what occurs during those months of darkness.

Articles under Ghost Tide Principality


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