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Breland is one of the Five Nations of central Khorvaire. It lies in the southwest of the continent, enjoying one of the largest areas of the nations and territories. Breland is a mix of open farmland, woodland, and sprawling metropolises, the largest and most famous of which is Sharn. The Lightning Rail originates out of Sharn and from there travels across Breland and out to the other nations of Khorvaire

Notable Locations

  • Argonth the floating fortress built by House Cannith during the last war
  • Black Pits a massive chasm in the Blackcap Mountains said to be an entrance to the Abyss and home to a shady criminal town of the same name
  • New Cyre a small town born from a Cyran refugee camp and home to Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn
  • Sharn also known as the City of Towers is a massive metropolis and tradehub
  • Valthirond a city beset by many forces throughout the last war and is now focused on the horrors increasing coming from the Mournland
  • Wroat the capital of Breland and home to King Boranel ir'Wynarn and the Brelish Parliament


While Boranel is the head of state, the Brelish Parliament handles much of the day to day legislation. The Nobles Chamber is made of 27 land-holding families, while the Commons Chamber consists of officials elected in two-year cycles. The ir'Clarn family is the most influential out of the 27 making up the Nobles Chamber.


The Brelish are known for their pragmatism and independence. They lack the discipline of Karrns and the faith of the Thranes, but they excel at finding innovative solutions to problems. The Brelish also have a talent for intrigue and subterfuge. The King’s Dark Lanterns is one of the finest intelligence agencies in Khorvaire, rivaled only by House Phiarlan and the Trust of Zilargo. The dark side of these aptitudes is a strong streak of cynicism, which allows crime and corruption to flourish in Brelish cities and temples. The Sovereign Host is the dominant religion of Breland, but in general the Brelish aren’t as devout as citizens of other nations.   King Boranel ir’Wynarn rules Breland in conjunction with an elected parliament. Boranel is a popular leader celebrated for his exploits during the Last War, but his children have yet to prove themselves, and a growing movement advocates for abandoning royal rule when Boranel passes.


Breland's greatest asset is the vast amount of land under its control, and the large and populous cities that are trade hubs for several nations and organizations across Khorvaire.


In -493, the War of the Mark occured and many people with Aberrant Dragonmarks were hunted down and slaughted. This culminated in the destruction of Sharn when an Aberrant leader named Halas Tarkanan and the Lady of the Plague unleashed their full power, leveling the city and plaguing it with rats.   Breland was settled in 1,502 CY and when Galifar I was formed in 0 YK, was named Breland after its first queen and daughter of Galifar, Brey ir'Wynarn.   Sharn was rebuilt in 32 YK atop the ruined remains.   In 986 YK, a trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell invaded western Breland with an army of trolls, ogres, and gnolls. Unable to confront both the monsters and fight its opponents in the Last war, King Boranel pulls settlers back and seals off the land west of the Graywall Mountains. The Daughters of Sora Kell declare the sovereignty of the nation of Droamm.

Demography and Population

Population: 3,7000,000
  • Humans 44%
  • Gnomes 14%
  • Half-Elves 10%
  • Elves 8%
  • Dwarves 7%
  • Halfling 4%
  • Changelings 4%
  • Goblinoids 4%
  • Orcs 3%
  • Other 2%


Breland stretches west to the Graywall Mountains, north to Lake Galifar and the Blackcaps, and east along the Howling Peaks and Seawall Mountains ending at the Mournland.


Worship of the Sovereign Host is the most predominant, though the Brelish tend to be less faithful than other nations.

Foreign Relations

The Daughters of Sora Kell have been very busy trying to gain allies and new sources of revenue. They have made contact with most of western Khorvaire, most particularly Aundair, Breland and Zilargo. Because of this, many minotaur bodyguards and ogre laborers can be found in various Brelish and Zil towns.

Trade & Transport

Sharn is a trade hub for Khorviare and a lot of goods flow through. The Brelish are also highly skilled smitsh and crafters, providing industrial services for all who travel to its lands.
Founding Date
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Weapons, armor, tools, processed ore, metalwork, manufactured goods, heavy industry
Legislative Body
The Nobles and Commons Chamber act as the legislative body, creating and deliberating upon the laws of Breland.
Judicial Body
The Nobles and Commons Chamber carry out the interpretation of the law.
Neighboring Nations


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