Session 39: Chats and Kobolds Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 39: Chats and Kobolds

General Summary

A Happy Haunting

  • As the party journeyed forward the next day, it constantly seemed like they were being followed. A gust of wind here, a mirage there, mostly spotted by Lumen. When the group set up camp for the night, the cause of the hauntings was revealed: it was a ghost named Adam. He was the brother of John, the man formerly supported by the skeleton that was now Dooturr.
  • He introduced himself to the Crypt Crew, and a discussion was had about he and Dooturr. N'nchyk noticed that Adam's limbs floated detached from his body, and were characterized by irregular tears and marks, but Adam said he preferred not to talk about it.
  • He explained his situation to the Crew, saying that it seemed he was stuck on this plane until he was able to help his brother one final time. He was stuck here as a ghost - same as the other ghosts he had met, all of which had died in The Mourning. He mentioned how it seemed Dooturr was fairly similar to John, as John had been a nationally recognized thief and pickpocket, and was so good in his line of work that he was contracted by the Cyran government itself to contribute to the war effort.
  • Adam explained that the only thing he could think of in order to pass on to Dolurrh was to help and protect his brother one final time, as he failed to do so in death. Dooturr was not entirely John, but held at least part of his soul - and Adam hoped this would be enough.
  • Philip asked Dooturr would ever want to know about his past life, if he were ever given the chance. Dooturr was quick to say no, as he wishes to live his own life. The core of his soul may be that of John - but The Mourning warped and changed it, and he is now Dooturr.

Lumen's Learning

  • N'nchyk asked Lumen about his companion, Bellum, as he had never seen quite the creature before. Lumen said that it was a couatl, which is one of the most prevalent symbols of the Church of the Silver Flame. Trading question for question, Lumen then asked N'nchyk about his past. He told Lumen the same thing he'd told the rest of the group: he came from a group of misguided individuals that locked themselves up in a cave to keep things they didn't understand imprisoned.
  • Lumen also asked his fellow military veteran, Viribus, about his past. Viribus talked about Karrnath's mandatory two year service, and how he served six years (in spite of his evidently young age), before leaving to make his own life.
  • N'nchyk worked on regrowing the mold on his side, after speaking with them. The mold was snappy, saying it required meat. The Plant Growth spell, however, seemed to satisfy it. Very much.

Hair Toll

  • As the party made their way into a small patch of a forested area, they were quickly stopped by a group of four kobolds that blocked their path with a thin wooden strip. The kobolds said the group had reached a toll, and they needed to pay with their hair to continue onwards. Viribus talked down the the kobold with a stone bowl on its head - clearly the leader - and learned that the kobolds served an entity known as the Hair King.
  • Lumen, taking advantage of the camouflaging properties of his cloak, snuck around the back of the group and behind the kobolds. He unleashed a burst of fire from the artful tattoo on his arm, all while making his voice boom. Needless to say, this was more than sufficient to scare off the kobolds.
  • Further along the path, there was a stickier point in the path where moving onwards became burdensome. There was something off about the mud, and N'nchyk identified it to be filled with oil right as Ashpin yelled at the group to scatter - as two pillars of flame erupted in the mud.
  • A large assortment of creatures assaulted the Crew: kobolds mounted atop giant vultures, insectoid ankhegs bursting from the ground, a hill giant, and a swarm of peculiar rats. The kobolds were interested in snipping off the hair of the ambushed, but the Crew was more than a match for their assailants. Maleakos lost a good chunk of his locks, but unleashed a powerful soundwave that destroyed the thieves in one reverberating chord. One of the last monsters to fall was the hill giant, who kept blubbering "Hamburger" as N'nchyk blighted his life force away.
  • N'nchyk wanted to perform surgery on the hill giant, but admitted that it would be quite a long and difficult procedure - at least a full 24 hours. Viribus was all for letting him do his research, but Lumen was insistent that the group stayed together. The corpse of the hill giant was moved into the brush of the trees, and it was decided to go meet this Hair King.
  • The last remaining kobold, spared by Ashpin, said that the Hair King was a master of rocks and stones, and had plenty of valuable ones - even a world-ending one! But it was a secret, so don't tell anybody. After this kobold was put on a leash, he began pointing the way to the Hair King.
Date begun:
21 Olarune, 998 YK
Date ended:
23 Olarune, 998 YK
Party level:
Report Date
18 Nov 2021
Primary Location


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