Sharn Inquisitive: Issue #9615

p. 1  
4 Zarantyr, 998 YK
  Here at the Inquisitive, we have the utmost respect for our consulted experts. They add a dimension of professionalism and specialized knowledge that would otherwise be impossible to obtain without their help. And yet, with precision predictions also comes egregious miscalculations.   The last issue of the Inquisitive detailed the heinous acts of the monstrous nation of Droaam against the western front of Breland. The attacks were nothing new, but a recent one had grown disturbingly close to the center of Breland. Yet, military consultants had been confident that Droaam was nowhere near having the ability to attack Sharn.   "While Ringbriar is at least a hundred miles into the land of Breland, it was largely thought that Droaam had only managed to make it to the settlement undetected through the mostly uninhabited Skyraker Forest", says gnomish military expert Darnold Sims. "Strolling across the next hundred miles of uncovered territory to Sharn was thought to be impossible, at least without months' worth of expeditions and hard-fought territorial battles by Droaam. It's pretty dang clear now that we underestimated the Daughters of Sora Kell."   Underestimated indeed, for there was no need for subtle evasion or territorial disputes. Late into the evening this past Sul, an airship passed over the city carrying rather unusual cargo. It had not passed through Tavick's Landing, and had no required inspection. Without so much as a warning, several feral beasts of untold nightmares dropped on the streets, and chaos ensued. What is now known as the Battle of Upper Dura shocked citizens and decimated infrastructure. There were dozens of casualties - the latest official death toll was reported at 58, including several brave members of the Sharn Watch. The popular Upper Dura tavern, The Daily Corner, suffered hundreds of galifars of property damage, and several nearby residences were completely destroyed.   Lucky for the city, the Sharn Watch and Sir Theobald Evans himself were present to dispose of the hideous beasts, and prevent any further catastrophe. (See page 3 [below] for more information.) The purpose of this attack is yet unclear, but the outcry for an answer could not be louder.  
  p. 3  
by Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon
4 Zarantyr, 998 YK
  Sir Theobald Evans is no stranger to the battlefield. He made a name for himself as a magical prodigy in the Brelish military, and has been much beloved by the nation ever since. He rushed to the nation's aid once again on Sul to fend off the wretched forces of Droaam (see p. 1 [above] for for more information), but he was not alone. Torfe Korranor, the nephew of Shekkal Korranor who founded the Clifftop Adventurer's Guild, was also by his side. But even they were not alone, as they were aided by a strange group of unfamiliar faces (pictured above). As for who this group even was - Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon could not find any records on the members, save for one: there was a male tiefling, a male half-elf, a male goliath, two male humans, a skeleton, and what is suspected to be a triton. One of the male humans was identified as Philip Arthur d'Tharashk, a previously respected member of House Tharashk in Sharn. They, too, defended the city in the Battle of Upper Dura, and Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon got an exclusive scoop at the very scene of the invasion.   "Who were those monsters? Where were they from?" asked Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon, and much of the beat-up group chose not to comment. However, a lanky, dubious red tiefling did indeed respond.   "This is Santiago," he said, pulling a jar from the depths of his pack. "He's a Yahcha beetle, and he can cure mad monkey fever if you ever catch it. Only once, though."   It's clear that the man was delirious, as he had just chased after a beast that had wreaked havoc on the streets with Korranor in its maw. Unintelligible responses aside, his actions against the monsters were at least commendable. Stranger still was the presence of a humanoid skeleton, walking of its own accord and will - at least to the naked eye of Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon. It's commonly known that undead warriors were employed by Karrnath during the Last War, but not to the extent of relatively intelligent and near humanoid-like faculties. This one, however, was either capable of near-humanoid thought - or a spy.   "They fell from the skies," he/she said. "They were aliens, and they fell from the skies." It remains unclear whether the skeleton had some inside knowledge regarding the attack, as it was only determined later that the monsters had used an airship to drop the assault on the streets of Upper Dura. Further questioning of the offbeat group yielded no further responses.   Were there new champions of goodness and virtue in Sharn? Did Sir Theobald Evans choose this bizarre group to accompany him on whatever heroics he was planning for the future? This certainly seemed to be the case.   The story was writing itself. A ragtag group of unusual races and personalities, saving Sharn from the horrors of the west. A shining light, a beacon of hope, a downright crypt crew providing hope where there seemed none. That was, until the Crypt Crew proved themselves unworthy of Sir Theobald Evans' company, and of the good graces of the citizens of Sharn.   Sensitive content warning - young readers beware.   Like the rainstorm on a sunny summer day, this glowing illustration was quickly extinguished. Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tike Deromon traveled with the party on following days, and it was soon clear that their presence in the Battle of Upper Dura was a mere fluke. They had engaged in a scuffle in the streets of Middle Tavick's Landing, resulting in the deaths of two tortles, one orc, and a triton, all of which have yet to be identified. On the same street as the scuffle, Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon spotted the feral beasts known as gnolls. They had captured three hostages, one of which was immediately executed and tossed to the streets, before the gnolls retreated into a produce warehouse for many of Tavick's Landing's taverns. This woman was mother-of-three Darlina Arte (see Obituary, page 14).   The group in question gave pursuit into the warehouse, but clearly had different motives than rescuing the hostages. They emerged back into the street less than two minutes later, upon which the gnolls - who were still alive - executed the two remaining hostages: Nathan Warren, Morgrave University undergraduate, and Adam Murry, a 9-year-old boy from Lower Northedge (see Obituary, page 14). Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon witnessed the male goliath and the aforementioned skeleton snatch the purse of the deceased Darlina and hurry back into the warehouse.   After a half hour, the group departed the warehouse. Sharn Inquisitive reporter Tika Deromon was one of the first to search the building after the fearful Crew had departed. The warehouse was a deposit of produce shared by many taverns of the Tavick's Landing, but it is now yellow-taped as it is far from an operational state. It is largely ransacked, with crates destroyed and several products missing - most notably, almost 25 galifars worth of herbs and spices were reported stolen.   Who are these individuals? Why do they insist upon wreaking so much havoc on our city? Was the presence of Droaam because of the presence of these individuals? Where are they now? And what do they want?


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