Khandan Dol Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Khandan Dol

The Redcloaks are commanded by Captain Khandan Dol. Khandan was knighted by the last king of Galifar, and fought for Queen Wroann when the Last War began. A hundred years of war have begun to take their toll, but Khandan is as tough as old stone and considered to be one of the deadliest men in the kingdom. He is unswervingly loyal to the Brelish crown, and he does not brook any criticism of King Boranel. Khandan is no paladin and enjoys drinking and dicing, but he takes discipline very seriously and expects his soldiers to obey the laws of the land. Due to his experiences in the war he despises citizens of Thrane and distrusts all followers of the Silver Flame, but he does not allow his personal feelings to interfere with his work.
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