The Redcloak Battalion Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Redcloak Battalion

The soldiers of the Redcloak Battalion are among the deadliest warriors in Sharn. When a situation calls for extreme military force, both the Sharn Watch and The King’s Citadel turn to the Redcloak Battalion. This elite unit fought in the forefront of the Last War, and the bards in Menthis today sing of the exploits of Khandan the Hammer and Meira the Huntress. At the end of the war, the battalion was split up, and one unit was assigned to Sharn. Its headquarters is located in the Daggerwatch district of Upper Dura .   Many of the members of the Redcloak Battalion resent being relegated to mere law enforcement, and there is a strong rivalry between the Redcloaks and the King’s Swords of the Citadel, who generally have less military experience even though they enjoy far greater authority and prestige.   As veterans and heroes of the Last War, many of the Redcloaks are unfriendly toward travelers from other nations. As far as the Redcloaks are concerned, the Treaty of Thronehold is merely an intermission, and soon King Boranel will come to his senses and finish the job that Wroann ir’Wynarn began.
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members