Boranel ir'Wynarn Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Boranel ir'Wynarn


King Boranel ir'Wynarn is the monarch of the nation of Breland. Instrumental in negotiating the Treaty of Thronehold, he is one of the most popular rulers that Breland has ever known.   Boranel's first wife was Lady Chaseva ir'Maasat , a noble from Cyre, and their romance across enemy lines was popularized in the press. During this time, he was a great treasure hunter in Xen’drik, and sought out tremendous wealth in the ruins of that land on two separate expeditions. As an adult, Boranel served in the Brelish army, rising swiftly through the ranks to become a general due to his merits.   In 961, Boranel's two older brothers both perished in fighting near Cragwar between Breland and Aundair. Boranel's father Boranex committed suicide after hearing the news of his son's deaths.   Boranel was summoned from Sharn to be crowned king of Breland, a title he never expected to have. After a hurried coronation, he received a broad education with a focus on the arts of war.   Queen Chaseva bore Boranel four children. However, their happiness came to an end when Queen Chaaseva was murdered by assassins of unknown origin. Two of his children died in the Last War. His son Prince Boramil perished during the Battle of Marguul Pass, while his oldest daughter Princess Borann perished leading a Brelish army in Cyre on the Day of Mourning.   Boranel has outlived three wives and five children. The destruction of Cyre was only the final straw for what developed into a tremendous need for peace in him. It was he who chiefly negotiated the Treaty of Thronehold and was tireless in its defense.   Boranel rules in conjunction with an elected parliament, but his children have yet to prove themselves, and there is a growing movement that advocates abandoning royal rule when Boranel passes. Only time will tell if King Boranel’s decisions will see the end of the monarchy in his nation or its revitalization.


Current Location
Year of Birth
940 YK 60 Years old
Current Residence
Brokenblade Castle
Aligned Organization


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