
A coastal town in southern Cyre, Seaside was a popular vacation spot even during the war. While not as celebrated a destination as Stormhome in Aundair, the memory of Seaside has become an iconic image of peace and tranquility for the people of Cyre.   Cyre’s only major settlement not located on a waterway, Eston grew up near a cluster of prosperous hillside mines about 70 miles east of the Brey River and Lake Arul. On the Day of Mourning, the rich hills simply sank into the surrounding plains with a sigh, the miners within buried alive as the shafts collapsed. The city was devastated by the tremors accompanying the shifting   Ruined Large City   Adding to the mystery of the Day of Mourning, Cyre’s most beautiful city is a hollow testament to the powers unleashed that day. As the mists engulfed the great port, sailors in the bay heard a terrible keening fill the air. Hundreds huddled on the long docks, only feet from the mist, which stopped precisely at the shoreline. Those who dared return on the first day died the moment they set foot upon the land. Crazed with grief, and desperate to see what had happened to their kin, more folk dared the mist on the second day and were unharmed. Seaside was the first place in the Mourn- land to be explored, and unlike other settlements killed by the mist, here not a single body was found.   Here fair weather, open courtyards, and vast awnings allowed the people to live with few walls. The salty breezes lifted the sails, and the gentle flap and creak of canvas was a constant background murmur.
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