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Session 20: About Ardev

General Summary

Preamble: The night before arriving in Ardev , Ice and Tarryn Rowntree were up late enjoying some alcohol Tarryn had located. It was Dwarven in origin, but Tarryn wasn't feeling up to drinking heavily, and didn't trust the stuff. Ice, however, enjoyed it in excess. It wasn't until halfway through the night the two discovered the alcohol was not Dwarven, but Orcish. It was too late, the damage had been done. Ice is believed to have briefly died- briefly- but with a bit of help lived through the night. The hangover was such that he refused to leave the wagon for the entirety of the session. 

The party arrive in Ardev around 10am to find a small town with crowded streets. Toox, while looking for possible monsters to befriend, sees a Changling in natural form going into an alley. Without warning she leaps from Edhellen and darts through traffic to follow them.

With no clear plan in the offing, Tarryn Rowntree flags down a passing child and asks where they can find a place to stay. The boy agrees, and leads them to The Sunken Fairy, which apparently has ties with House Orien. Since they are affiliated with his house, Tarryn is able to leave Edhellen in their care and enjoy the town. Simon Twoorb is growing more and more excited, and asks if anyone will accompany him to try Goblin cuisine. Celosia agrees, but says she must find Toox first. Ripper, for his part, makes his was to a local bookstore where he finds two titles of interest: Making Friends; a History of Necromancy, and 'This Spell is Harmless' and Other Lies To Tell Yourself.

Toox follows the Changeling into The Lotto Grotto, a small magic shop. They talk, and while Toox does not get any truly helpful information, they do get along well. After making a few purchases Toox leaves the shop only to be accidently hit by Melf's Acid Arrow. The spell was accidently fired from a wand. A couple local students from Great Wyvern Academy were to blame, but Toox let them go. The proprietor of Frey's Fresh Fish Flesh across the alley offers a healing potion and thanks for not turning the kids in to The Citadel

Not long after this Celosia finds Toox, and Toox convinces Celosia to buy an item from The Lotto Grotto. Then, together they make their way to take Dr. Twoorb to try some goblin cuisine. Tarryn Rowntree  finds Ripper in his book store and invites him to join them on their way to get food. Ripper agrees.

Along the way Toox recognizes thieves cant indicating activity at the food stalls where they are headed. Tarryn, it turns out, is also familiar with thieves cant, and is on guard. Soon after arriving the local thieves create and execute an impressive flash mob. A crowd gathers and children move among them stealing valuables. The children steer clear of Toox and Taryn, and by extension their crew. Dr. Twoorb, fully unaware of the danger, has an incredible time learning about the nuances of goblin cuisine from an elated goblin elder. 

The party returns to The Sunken Fairy in time to hear Ronee, an up and coming bard, perform The Ballad of the Greendale Seven, a quasi-banned song attributed to Feldspar Merrlin. On a break from the stage Celosia introduces herself and learns more about the song. Ripper shares some notes he had already been taken to assist with context. 

Toox , meanwhile, attempted to find some companionship for the evening, but unfortunately the handsome half-orc was also extremely racist against changelings. Toox left him tied naked to her bed for at least 24-48 hours. 

The party is on their way to get an Orc-based breakfast and decide whether or not to leave today or tomorrow. 

The session ends on Day 11 at 8am.

Rewards Granted

From The Lotto Grotto  Toox:
  1. One Used Bag of Holding  (Green label)
  2. One Wand of Blasting  (Yellow label)
  1. One Ring of Mending (Red label)
Ripper- two books (not from the Lotto Grotto):
  1. Making Friends: A History of Necromancy
  2. 'This Spell is Harmless' and Other Lies To Tell Yourself
Report Date
17 Feb 2021
Primary Location


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