Cockaby Rofferton Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Cockaby Rofferton

Station Master Cockaby Rofferton

A gnome born in Zilargo who worked for House Orien as a Station Master for their Lightning Rail stations. During The Mourning he was managing Oakworth Station in Cyre between Kalazart and Eston. He was killed along with the rest of the staff and travelers and their bodies remained in peaceful repose where they lay down. However, Cockaby didn't pass to Dolurrh and remained as a ghost minding the station.   In 998 Almiraj Squad happened upon Oakworth Station in The Mournland and encountered Cockaby's ghost. He asked if they could help him say goodbye to his family in Zilargo, perhaps by possessing Felryn. Instead, Blessing used a scroll of Revivify to restore Cockaby to life. Unable to travel the Mournland alone, the grateful gnome travels with Almiraj Squad as a steward keeping track of their mounts and supplies.
Current Location
957 YK 994 YK 37 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in The Mourning
Aligned Organization


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